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St. George for England: A Tale of Cressy and Poitiers Page 11



  The French, excited to the utmost by the exhortations of theircommanders, and by their desire to wipe out the disgrace of the easycapture of Vannes by the English, advanced with ardor to the assault,and officers and men vied with each other in the valor which theydisplayed. In vain did the garrison shower arrows and cross-bow boltsamong them, and pour down boiling oil and quicklime upon them as theythronged at the foot of the wall. In vain were the ladders, time aftertime, hurled back loaded with men upon the mass below. The efforts ofthe men-at-arms to scale the defenses were seconded by their archers andcross-bowmen, who shot such a storm of bolts that great numbers of thedefenders were killed. The assault was made at a score of differentpoints, and the garrison was too weak to defend all with success. SirJohn Powis and his party repulsed over and over again the efforts of theassailants against that part of the wall intrusted to them, but at otherpoints the French gained a footing, and swarming up rushed along thewalls, slaying all whom they encountered.

  "All is lost," Sir John exclaimed; "let us fall back to the castle anddie fighting there."

  Descending from the wall the party made their way through the streets.The French were already in the town; every house was closed and barred,and from the upper windows the burghers hurled down stones and bricksupon the fugitives, while parties of the French soldiers fell upon themfiercely. Many threw down their arms and cried for quarter, but wereinstantly slain.

  For awhile the streets were a scene of wild confusion; here and therelittle knots of Englishmen stood together and defended themselves untilthe last, others ran through the streets chased by their exulting foes,some tried in vain to gain shelter in the houses. Sir John Powis' bandwas soon broken and scattered, and their leader slain by a heavy stonefrom a housetop. Walter fought his way blindly forward toward thecastle, although he well knew that no refuge would be found there. RalphSmith kept close beside him, leveling many of his assailants with thetremendous blows of a huge mace. Somehow, Walter hardly knew how, theymade their way through their assailants and dashed in at the castlegate. A crowd of their assailants were close upon their heels. Walterglanced round; dashing across the court-yard he ran through somepassages into an inner yard, in which, as he knew, was the well. Thebucket hung at the windlass.

  "Catch hold, Ralph!" he exclaimed; "there is just a chance, and we mayas well be drowned as killed." They grasped the rope and jumped off. Thebucket began to descend with frightful velocity. Faster and faster itwent and yet it seemed a long time before they plunged into the water,which was nigh a hundred feet below the surface. Fortunately the ropewas considerably longer than was necessary, and they sank many feet intothe water, still retaining their hold. Then clinging to the rope theyhauled themselves to the surface.

  "We cannot hold on here five minutes," Ralph exclaimed; "my armor isdragging me down."

  "We will soon get rid of that," Walter said. "There go our helmets; nowI will hold on with one hand and help you to unbuckle your breast andback pieces; you do the same for me."

  With great efforts they managed to rid themselves of their armor, andthen held on with ease to the rope. They hauled the bucket to thesurface and tied a knot in the slack of the rope, so that the buckethung four feet below the level of the water. Putting their feet in this,they were able to stand with their heads above the surface withoutdifficulty.

  "This is a nice fix," Ralph exclaimed. "I think it would have been justas well to have been killed at once. They are sure to find us here, andif they don't we shall die of cold before to-morrow morning."

  "I don't think they will find us," Walter said cheerfully. "When theyhave searched the castle thoroughly it may occur to some of them thatwe have jumped down the well, but it will be no particular business ofany one to look for us, and they will all be too anxious to get at thewine butts to trouble their heads about the matter; besides, it must bea heavy job to wind up this bucket, and it is not likely there will besuch urgent need of water that any one will undertake the task."

  "But we are no better off if they don't," Ralph remarked, "for we mustdie here if we are not hauled out. I suppose you don't intend to try andclimb that rope. I might do twenty feet or so on a pinch, but I could nomore get up to the top there than I could fly."

  "We must think it over," Walter rejoined; "where there is a will there'sa way, you know. We will take it by turns to watch that little patch oflight overhead; if we see any one looking down we must leave the bucketand swim to the side without making the least noise. They may give a fewturns of the windlass to see if any one has hold of the rope below; besure you do not make the slightest splashing or noise, for the soundwould be heard above to a certainty."

  Ten minutes later they saw two heads appear above, and instantlywithdrew their feet from the bucket and made a stroke to the side, whichwas but four feet distant, being careful as they did so that no motionwas imparted to the rope. Then, though it was too dark to see anything,they heard the bucket lifted from the water. A minute later it fell backagain with a splash, then all was quiet.

  "We are safe now, and can take our place in the bucket. They aresatisfied that if we did jump down here we are drowned. And now we mustthink about climbing up."

  "Ay, that will require a good deal of thinking," Ralph grumbled.

  For some time there was silence; then Walter said, "The first thing todo is to cut off the slack of the rope; there are some twelve feet ofit. Then we will unwind the strands of that. There are five or six largestrands as far as I can feel; we will cut them up into lengths of abouta couple of feet, and we ought to be able to tie these to the rope insuch a way as not to slip down with our weight. If we tie them four feetapart we can go up step by step; I don't see much difficulty aboutthat."

  "No," Ralph said much more cheerfully, "I should think that we couldmanage that."

  They at once set to work. The rope was cut up and unraveled, and thestrands cut into pieces about two feet long. They then both set to worktrying to discover some way of fastening it by which it would not slipdown the rope. They made many fruitless attempts; each time that astrand was fastened with a loop large enough for them to pass a legthrough, it slid down the rope when their weight was applied to it. Atlast they succeeded in finding out a knot which would hold. This wasdone by tying a knot close to one end of a piece of the strand, thensufficient was left to form the loop, and the remainder was wound roundthe rope in such away that the weight only served to tighten its hold.

  "Shall we begin at once?" Ralph said, when success was achieved.

  "No, we had better wait until nightfall. The vibration of the rope whenour weight once gets on it might be noticed by any one crossing thecourt-yard."

  "Do you think we have sufficient bits of rope?" Ralph asked.

  "Just enough, I think," Walter replied; "there were six strands, andeach has made six pieces, so we have thirty-six. I know the well isabout a hundred feet deep, for the other day I heard some of thesoldiers who were drawing water grumbling over the labor required. So ifwe put them three feet apart it will take thirty-three of them, whichwill leave three over; but we had better place them a little over a yardso as to make sure."

  In a short time the fading brightness of the circle of light faroverhead told them that twilight had commenced, and shortly afterwardthey attached the first strand to the rope some three feet above thewater.

  "Now," Walter said, "I will go first, at any rate for a time. I must putone leg through the loop, and sit, as it were, while I fasten the oneabove, as I shall want both hands for the work. You will find it a gooddeal easier to stand with your foot in the loop. If I get tired I willfasten another loop by the side of that on which I am resting, so youcan come up and pass me. There is no hurry. It ought not to take upabove an hour, and it will not do for us to get to the top until theplace becomes a little quiet. To-night they are sure to be drinking andfeasting over their victory until late."

  They now set to work, and step by step mounted t
he rope. They found thework less arduous than they had expected. The rope was dry, and thestrands held tightly to it. Two or three times they changed places,resting in turn from their work; but in less than two hours from thetime they made the first loop Walter's head and shoulders appeared abovethe level of the court-yard. He could hear sounds of shouting andsinging within the castle, and knew that a great feast was going on.Descending a step or two he held parley with Ralph.

  "I think, perhaps, it will be better to sally out at once. Everyone isintent on his own pleasure, and we shall have no difficulty in slippingout of the castle unnoticed. All will be feasting and rioting in thetown, and so long as we do not brush against any one so that they mayfeel our wet garments we are little likely to be noticed; besides, thegates of the town will stand open late, for people from the villagesround will have come in to join in the revels."

  "I am ready to try it, Master Walter," Ralph replied, "for I ache fromhead to foot with holding on to this rope. The sooner the better, sayI."

  In another minute both stood in the court-yard. It was a retired spot,and none were passing. Going along the passage they issued into the mainyard. Here great fires were blazing, and groups of men sat round themdrinking and shouting. Many lay about in drunken sleep.

  "Stay where you are in the shade, Ralph. You had best lie down by thefoot of the wall. Any one who passes will think that you are in adrunken sleep. I will creep forward and possess myself of the steel capsof two of these drunkards, and if I can get a couple of cloaks so muchthe better."

  There was no difficulty about the caps, and by dint of unbuckling thecloaks and rolling their wearers gently over, Walter succeeded at lastin obtaining two of them. He also picked up a sword for Ralph--his ownstill hung in its sheath--and then he joined his companion, and the twoputting on the steel caps and cloaks walked quietly to the gate. Therewere none on guard, and they issued unmolested into the town. Here allwas revelry. Bonfires blazed in the streets. Hogsheads of wine, with theheads knocked out, stood before many of the houses for all to helpthemselves who wished. Drunken soldiers reeled along shouting snatchesof songs, and the burghers in the highest state of hilarity thronged theways.

  "First of all, Ralph, we will have a drink of wine, for I am chilled tothe bone."

  "Ay, and so am I," Ralph replied. "I got hot enough climbing that rope,but now the cold has got hold of me again, and my teeth are chatteringin my head."

  Picking up one of the fallen vessels by a cask they dipped it in andtook a long draught of wine; then, turning off from the principalstreets, they made their way by quiet lanes down to one of the gates. Totheir dismay they found that this was closed. The French commanders knewthat Sir Walter Manny or Salisbury might ere this be pressing forward torelieve the town, and that, finding that it had fallen, they mightattempt to recapture it by a sudden attack. While permitting, therefore,the usual license, after a successful assault, to the main body of theirforces, they had placed a certain number of their best troops on thewalls, giving them a handsome largess to make up for their loss of thefestivities.

  At first Walter and his friend feared that their retreat was cut off forthe night, but several other people presently arrived, and the officeron guard said, coming out, "You must wait awhile; the last batch haveonly just gone, and I cannot keep opening and closing the gate; in halfan hour I will let you out."

  Before that time elapsed some fifty or sixty people, anxious to returnto their villages, gathered round the gate.

  "Best lay aside your steel cap, Ralph, before we join them," Waltersaid. "In the dim light of that lamp none will notice that we have nohead gear, but if it were to glint upon the steel cap the officer mighttake us for deserters and question us as to who we are."

  Presently the officer came out from the guard-room again. There was aforward movement of the little crowd, and Walter and Ralph closed in totheir midst. The gates were opened, and without any question thevillagers passed out, and the gates were shut instantly behind them.

  Walter and his comrade at once started at a brisk pace and walked allnight in the direction of Hennebon. Their clothes soon dried, and elatedat their escape from danger they struggled on briskly. When morningbroke they entered a wood, and lay there till evening, as they feared tocontinue their journey lest they might fall into the hands of someroving band of French horse. They were, too, dog-tired, and were asleepa few minutes after they lay down. The sun was setting when they awoke,and as soon as it was dark they resumed their journey.

  "I don't know what you feel, Master Walter, but I am well-nigh famished.It is thirty-six hours since I swallowed a bit of food, just as theFrench were moving to the attack. Hard blows I don't mind--I have beenused to it; but what with fighting, and being in the water for five orsix hours, and climbing up that endless rope, and walking all night onan empty stomach, it does not suit me at all."

  "I feel ravenous too, Ralph, but there is no help for it. We shall eatnothing till we are within the walls of Hennebon, and that will be bydaylight to-morrow if all goes well. Draw your belt an inch or twotighter, it will help to keep out the wolf."

  They kept on all night, and in the morning saw to their delight thetowers of Hennebon in the distance. It was well that it was no further,for both were so exhausted from want of food that they could withdifficulty drag their legs along.

  Upon entering the town Walter made his way at once to the quarters ofthe leader. Sir Walter had just risen, and was delighted at the sight ofhis esquire.

  "I had given you up for dead," he exclaimed. "By what miracle could youhave escaped? Are you alone?"

  "I have with me only my faithful follower, Ralph Smith, who is below;but, Sir Walter, for mercy's sake order that some food be placed beforeus, or we shall have escaped from the French only to die of hunger here.We have tasted naught since the attack on Vannes began. Have any besidesus escaped?"

  "Lord Stafford contrived, with two or three others, to cut their way outby a postern-gate, bringing with them Robert of Artois, who isgrievously wounded. None others, save you and your man-at-arms, havemade their way here."

  In a few minutes a cold capon, several manchets of bread, and a stoop ofwine were placed before Walter, while Ralph's wants were attended tobelow. When he had satisfied his hunger the young esquire related hisadventures to Sir Walter and several other knights and nobles, who hadby this time gathered in the room.

  "In faith, Master Somers, you have got well out of your scrape," SirWalter exclaimed. "Had I been in your place I should assuredly haveperished, for I would a thousand times rather meet death sword in handthan drop down into the deep hole of that well. And your brains servedyou shrewdly in devising a method of escape. What say you, gentlemen?"

  All present joined in expressions of praise at the lad's coolness andpresence of mind.

  "You are doing well, young sir," the English leader went on, "and havedistinguished yourself on each occasion on which we have been engaged. Ishall be proud when the time comes to bestow upon you myself the orderof knighthood if our king does not take the matter off my hands."

  A little later Robert of Artois died of his wounds and disappointment atthe failure of his hopes.

  In October King Edward himself set sail with a great army, and landingin Brittany early in November, marched forward through the country andsoon reduced Ploermel, Malestrail, Redon, and the rest of the provincein the vicinity of Vannes, and then laid siege to that town. As hisforce was far more than sufficient for the siege, the Earls of Norfolkand Warwick were dispatched in the direction of Nantes to reconnoiterthe country and clear it of any small bodies of the enemy they mightencounter. In the mean time Edward opened negotiations with many of theBreton lords, who, seeing that such powerful aid had arrived for thecause of the Countess of Montford, were easily persuaded to changesides. Among them were the Lords of Clisson, Moheac, Machecoul, Retz,and many others of less importance.

  The Count of Valentinois, who commanded the garrison of Vannes,supported the siege with great courage and for
titude, knowing thatCharles of Blois and the King of France were collecting a great army forhis relief. Uniting their forces, they advanced toward the town. Beforethe force of the French, 40,000 strong, the Earl of Norfolk had fallenback and rejoined the king; but even after this junction the Frenchforces exceeded those of Edward fourfold. They advanced toward Vannesand formed a large intrenched camp near that of the English, who thus,while still besieging Vannes, were themselves inclosed by a vastlysuperior force. The King of France himself arrived at the French camp.The French, although so greatly superior, made no motion towardattacking the English, but appeared bent upon either starving them outor forcing them to attack the strongly intrenched position occupied bythe French.

  Provisions were indeed running short in the English camp, and thearrival of supplies from England was cut off by a strong fleet under DonLouis, which cruised off the coast and captured all vessels arrivingwith stores. At this moment two legates, the Cardinal Bishop of Prenesteand the Cardinal Bishop of Tusculum, arrived from the pope and strove tomediate between the two sovereigns and to bring about a cessation ofhostilities, pointing out to them the scandal and desolation whichtheir rivalry caused in Christendom, the waste of noble lives, thedevastation of once happy provinces, and the effusion of innocent blood.Going from camp to camp they exhorted, prayed, and reproached the rivalsovereigns, urging that while Christians were shedding each other'sblood in vain, the infidels were daily waxing bolder and more insolent.Their arguments would have been but of little use had either of themonarchs felt sure of victory. King Edward, however, felt that hisposition was growing desperate, for starvation was staring him in theface, and only by a victory over an immensely superior force in astrongly intrenched position could he extricate himself. Upon the partof the French, however, circumstances were occurring which rendered themanxious for a release from their position, for they were not withouttheir share of suffering. While the English army lay on a hill theFrench camp was pitched on low ground. An unusually wet season had setin with bitterly cold wind. The rain was incessant, a pestilence haddestroyed a vast number of their horses, and their encampment wasflooded. Their forces were therefore obliged to spread themselves overthe neighboring fields, and a sudden attack by the English might havebeen fatal.

  Thus distress pressed upon both commanders, and the pope's legates foundtheir exertions at last crowned with success. A suspension ofhostilities was agreed to, and the Dukes of Burgundy and Bourbon on theone side and the Earls of Lancaster, Northampton, and Salisbury on theother met as commissioners and agreed to a convention by which a generaltruce was to be made from the date of the treaty to the followingMichaelmas, and to be prolonged from that day for the full term of threeyears. It was agreed that the truce should embrace not only thesovereigns, but all the adherents of each of them. The truce was to holdgood in Brittany between all parties, and the city of Vannes was to begiven into the hand of the cardinals to dispose of as they chose. It wasspecially provided that in the case of any of the adherents of eitherparty in the duchies of Gascony and Brittany waging war against eachother, neither of the monarchs should either directly or indirectlymeddle therewith, nor should the truce be at all broken thereby.

  Immediately the treaty was signed, on the 19th of January, 1343, theKing of France dismissed his army, and Edward sailed for England withthe greater part of his troops. The Countess of Montford and her sonaccompanied him, and the possessions of her husband in Brittany wereleft to the guardianship of her partisans, with a small but choice bodyof English troops.

  The towns which had fallen into their hands and still remained wereBrest, Quimper-Corentin, Quimperle, Redon, and Guerande; Vannes washanded over to them by the cardinals, and Hennebon, of course, remainedin their possession.

  Walter returned to England with Sir Walter Manny, and on reaching Londonwas received with delight by his old friends Geoffrey Ward and GilesFletcher, who were never tired of listening to his tales of the wars.Dame Vernon also received him with great kindness, and congratulated himwarmly upon the very favorable account which Sir Walter Manny had givenof his zeal and gallantry.

  The time now for awhile passed very quietly. Walter and the other youngsquires practiced diligently, under the instructions of Sir Walter, atknightly exercises. Walter learned to bear himself well on horseback andto tilt in the ring. He was already a skillful swordsman, but he sparedno pains to improve himself with his weapons. The court was a gay one,and Walter, as a favored esquire of one of the foremost knights there,was admitted to all that took place. His courtly education, of course,included dancing, and when he went down, as he often did, for a longchat with his old friends, Geoffrey often said, laughing, that he wasgrowing such a fine gentleman that he hardly liked to sit in hispresence; but although changed in manner, Walter continued to be, asbefore, a frank, manly young fellow, and free from the affectationswhich were so general among the young men of the court.