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At the Point of the Bayonet: A Tale of the Mahratta War Page 8

  Chapter 8: Nana's Release.

  At the entrance to the village Harry found the ten troopers, whomAbdool had engaged, standing by their horses. He gave the order forthem to march and, at a brisk canter, they started for Ahmednuggur.It was a ride of some forty miles and, when they approached thetown, they halted until the sun rose and the gates of the city wereopened.

  They then rode in. The men were left at a khan, Abdool remainingwith them. They had been told, if questioned, to say that theirleader, Musawood Khan, was an officer high in the service ofScindia.

  Harry took two of the troopers with him, and rode to the governor'shouse. Dismounting, and leaving the horse in their charge, he toldone of the attendants to inform the governor that he was the bearerof an order from Scindia, and was at once shown up.

  The governor received him with all honour, glanced at the orderthat Harry presented to him, placed the seal against his foreheadin token of submission; and then, after a few words as to affairsat Poona, called an officer and ordered him to accompany MusawoodKhan to Nana Furnuwees' apartment. This was a large room, at anangle of the fortress, with a balcony outside affording a view ofthe country round it; for the governor, knowing how rapidly andoften the position changed, and having no orders save to maintain acareful watch over the prisoner, had endeavoured to ingratiatehimself with him, by lodging him comfortably and treating him well.

  The officer opened the door and, when Harry had entered, locked itbehind him. Nana Furnuwees was seated at the window, enjoying thefresh morning air. He looked listlessly round, and then rosesuddenly to his feet, as he recognized his visitor.

  "What wonder is this," he said, "that you should be here, Mr.Lindsay, except as a prisoner?"

  "I am here as one of Scindia's officers," Harry replied, with asmile, "although he himself is not aware of it, in hopes ofobtaining your freedom."

  "That is too good even to hope for," Nana said, sadly.

  "In the first place, sir, are you aware of the state of things inPoona?"

  "I have heard nothing since I came here," Nana said. "They make mecomfortable, as you see but, except for the daily visit from thegovernor, I have no visitors; and from him I learn nothing, as hehas strict orders, from Scindia, not to give me any information ofwhat happens outside these walls; fearing, no doubt, that I mighttake advantage of any change, to endeavour to open communicationwith one or other of the leaders.

  "Before you tell me anything else, please explain how you managedto enter here."

  "That was easy enough, sir. I simply wrote out an order, to thegovernor, to permit me to have a private interview with you. I toredown one of Scindia's proclamations, and transferred his seal fromit to the order that I had written; dressed myself, as you see, asone of his officers; got together ten mounted men, to ride as myescort, and here I am."

  "You will be a great man, some day," Nana said, looking at thetall, powerful figure of his visitor, with its soldierly carriage.

  "Now, tell me about affairs. I shall then understand better why youhave run this risk."

  Harry gave him a sketch of everything that had happened, since hisconfinement.

  "You see, sir," he said, as he concluded, "how the situation haschanged. Amrud is nominally acting with his brother's approval, butthere is no question that Bajee fears him. Amrud is in alliancewith Holkar. Purseram Bhow is at liberty, at the head of an army,and a nominal conciliation has taken place between him and Bajee.The latter has incurred the detestation and hatred of the people ofPoona and, most important of all, Scindia is really anxious to getback home, but is unable to do so owing to his inability to pay histroops and, willing as Bajee might be to furnish the money to getrid of him, he is without resources, owing to the fact that thetaxation wrung from the people has all gone into the pockets ofScindia, Ghatgay, and his other favourites.

  "The question is, sir, whether you would be willing to purchaseyour liberty, at a heavy price. I think that, if you could paysufficient to enable Scindia to satisfy his soldiers, he might beinduced to release you."

  "How much do you think he would want?"

  "Of that I can have no idea, sir. Of course, he would at first aska great deal more than he would afterwards accept."

  "Yes, I should be ready to pay," Nana said, after considering for aminute. "As a prisoner here, my money is of no use to me, nor everwould be; but I could pay a large sum, and still be wealthy."

  "That is what I wanted to know, sir."

  "But why do you run this risk?" Nana asked.

  "For several reasons, sir. In the first place, because you havehonoured me with your friendship; in the second, because I wouldfain save the people of Poona from the horrible barbarity withwhich they are now treated; and lastly, because the Government ofBombay would, I am sure, be glad to hear of your reinstatement, asthe only means of restoring peace and tranquillity to the Deccan."

  "How will you open this matter to Scindia?"

  "I have not fully thought that out, sir; but I have no doubt that Ishall, in some way, be able to manage it, and intend to act uponhis fears as well as upon his avarice."

  "But you say that Ghatgay is all powerful, and he would neverpermit an interview to take place between a stranger and Scindia."

  "From what I hear, sir, Scindia is becoming jealous of Ghatgay'spower, and disgusted both by his imperious manner and by hisatrocities in Poona--against which he has several times protested,but in vain. If I am to obtain an audience with Scindia, it must bea secret one."

  "But there will surely be great danger in such a step?"

  "Doubtless it will not be without danger," Harry said, "but that Imust risk. I have not yet determined upon my plan, as it would havebeen useless to think of that, until I had seen you but, as thathas been managed so easily, I fancy that I shall have no greatdifficulty in getting at him. Once I do so, I feel certain that Ishall be able to convince him that his best policy is to free you,and place you in your old position as the Peishwa's minister as, inthat case, you would be a check upon Bajee Rao, and would be ableto prevent him from entering into alliances hostile to Scindia."

  "Well, Mr. Lindsay, you have given me such proofs, both of yourintelligence and courage, that I feel sure that, if anyone cancarry this through, you will be able to do so; and I need hardlysay how deeply grateful I shall be, to you, for rescuing me from animprisonment which seemed likely to terminate only with my life."

  "And now I had better go, sir," Harry said. "It is as well that ourconference should not be too long a one."

  "Well, goodbye, Mr. Lindsay! Even if nothing comes of all this, itwill be pleasant for me to know that, at least, I have one faithfulfriend who was true to me, in my deepest adversity."

  Harry went to the door, and knocked. It was immediately opened bythe officer who had conducted him there, and who had taken up hispost a short distance from the door. He led Harry back to thegovernor, who pressed him to stay with him; but he replied that hisorders were to return to Poona, instantly.

  After this interview, he went direct to the tavern where thesoldiers had put up, ate a hasty meal, and then mounted and rodeout of the town. When ten miles away, he halted in a grove for somehours, and then rode on to Poona. Arrived within a mile of thetown, he paid each of the men the amount promised, and told them tore-enter the town separately. Then he secured a room for himself ina small khan, just outside the city and, sitting there alone,worked out the plan of obtaining an interview with Scindia.

  He then told Abdool to go quietly to the Residency, and to bringout the Brahmin's dress he had before worn. In the morning, Abdoolwent out to Scindia's camp with a letter which, when Scindia cameout of his marquee, he handed to him. There was nothing unusual inthis, for petitions were frequently presented in this way to rulersin India.

  As he did so, he said in a low voice, "It is private and important,Your Highness;" and instead of handing it to one of his officers,Scindia went back to his tent to read it.

  It stated that the writer, Kawerseen, an unworthy member of theKsh
ittree Brahmins, prayed for a private interview with HisHighness, on matters of the most urgent import. Scindia thought fora moment and then, tearing up the piece of paper, went out and, ashe passed Abdool, who was waiting at the entrance, said:

  "Tell your master to be here at half-past ten, tonight. The sentrywill have orders to admit him."

  Abdool returned at once to Harry, and delivered his message.

  "That is good," the latter said.

  "You will take me with you, sahib?"

  "Certainly, Abdool, if you are willing to go. There is some dangerin it and, should Scindia give the alarm, you may be of greatassistance, by cutting down the sentry before he can run in. Takeyour pistols and tulwar, and bring another sword for me. If I canonce get out of the tent we shall be fairly safe for, in thedarkness and confusion which will arise, we shall be able to makeoff quietly. We will ride there, and fasten our horses in thatgrove that lies about a quarter of a mile from the camp."

  At half-past nine they started, and reached Scindia's tent at thetime appointed. Harry's belief that he would succeed was largelyfounded on the knowledge that Scindia was a weak young man, who hadnever been engaged in warfare, and was wanting in physical courage.An attendant was at the door, and led him to the prince's privatetent, which stood in the middle of an encampment composed of largetents; for the purpose of receptions and entertainments, for theabodes of the ladies of the zenana, and for the officers in whomScindia reposed most confidence. The retinue of servants,attendants, and minor officials were lodged in tents fifty yardsbehind the royal encampment.

  Scindia was sitting on a divan. Two lamps hung from the ceiling. Hehimself was smoking.

  "You have something of importance to say to me?" he said, as Harryentered, and bowed deeply.

  "I have, Your Highness. You are doubtless well aware that theKshittree Brahmins, who formerly held the principal offices underyour father, are greatly offended by the elevation of Ghatgay; andstill more so by his atrocious deeds in the town of Poona. Therehas been a private meeting, and twelve of them, myself among thenumber, have sworn by the feet of Brahma to take your life, eitherby poison, dagger, or musket ball."

  "And you have the insolence to avow that you took such an oath!"

  He sprang to his feet, and would have touched the bell on the tablebut, in an instant, Harry sprung forward with a loaded pistol,pointed at Scindia's head.

  "Stop, sir, I beg of you; for assuredly, if you raise a voice ortouch a bell, that moment will be your last."

  Scindia sank down into his seat again. He had not the least doubtthat the man before him would execute his threat.

  "Your Highness," he said, "I have not come here for the purpose ofassassinating you. I was first on the list, but obtained from theothers permission to endeavour to put an end to the present stateof things, before carrying out our vow. We know that, in spite ofthe enormous sums that Ghatgay has raised in Poona, you yourselfhave not been enriched; and that you have been unable to persuadeyour troops to march, owing to your want of money to pay up theirarrears. We have thought the matter over, and can see but one wayby which you can obtain the necessary funds."

  "And that is?" Scindia asked.

  "That is, Your Highness, to liberate Nana Furnuwees--setting hisliberty, of course, at a high price. In this way you will not onlybe able to move your army, but you will cripple the power of thePeishwa--who would, if possible, overthrow you, now you have donehis work and freed him from Nana.

  "You are well aware, Prince, that Nana Furnuwees always exercisedhis authority on the side of peace, and there is no fear that hewill permit Bajee Rao to engage in war against you. He is an oldman, and useless to you as a prisoner. If you exacted a heavy sumfrom him it would, in all ways, aid your views."

  "But how do you know that Nana could raise such a sum as wouldsatisfy the troops?"

  "We have assured ourselves on that score, and I know that itmatters not how much Nana Furnuwees will have to give. What I wouldsuggest is that you shall seize Ghatgay, and rid yourself of hisdomination. He cannot but be as odious to you as he is to BajeeRao, and to the people."

  Scindia sat for some time, in silence.

  "Do I understand," he said, "that if I carry out these suggestions,your comrades will be satisfied?"

  "That I swear solemnly. I do not threaten Your Highness, for myvisit today is one of conciliation. You might, as soon as I leavethis tent, order me to be arrested. In that case I should use thispistol against myself, and you would seek in vain for the names ofmy eleven brethren; but your life would be forfeited--whether inthe midst of your guards or in your tent, whether you ride or walk.You would be watched, and your servants would be bribed, and yourfood poisoned. If the first man fails, he will blow out his brains,and so will they all; but be assured that the vow will be kept andthat, whether by night or by day, you will never be safe."

  "You are a bold man to speak so," Scindia said.

  "I speak so, Your Highness, because I am perfectly ready to die forthe good of the country, and to secure for it peace andcontentment."

  Scindia rose, and took two or three turns up and down the tent;Harry keeping his pistol in his hand, in readiness to fire shouldhe attempt to slip away. At last, Scindia stopped before him.

  "I agree to your conditions," he said, "and the more readilybecause I shall, as you say, at once free myself from difficulties,and avenge myself on Bajee Rao; who is, I know, in spite of hisprofessions of friendship, constantly plotting against me. Tomorrowat daybreak an officer shall ride, with a troop of cavalry, andshall bring Nana here."

  "You have chosen wisely, Prince. It is, believe me, your only wayof escaping from your present difficulties. I know that, already,your soldiery are becoming mutinous at being thus kept, for months,away from their country, and receiving no pay. That feeling willgrow rapidly, unless their demands are conceded. As to Ghatgay, thesoldiers hold him in abhorrence, and his arrest and downfall wouldcause the most lively satisfaction among them. Your men aresoldiers and not assassins, and the tortures and executions thatdaily take place fill them with horror; so that your order for hisarrest will be executed with joy.

  "Now, Your Highness, I will leave you. I believe that you will keepyour promise, as indeed it is to your interest to do so; in whichcase you will never hear of myself, or my eleven companions."

  "Do not fear," Scindia said, "tomorrow my messenger shall certainlystart for Ahmednuggur."

  Harry, bowing deeply, turned, passed through the curtain, and madehis way out of the tent. Abdool, who was squatting near theentrance, at once rose and followed him.

  "Is all well, sahib?"

  "I think so. I have so frightened Scindia that I have little doubthe will carry out the promise he has given me. I will tell youabout it, when we get back."

  They passed through the sleeping camp, and mounted their horses inthe grove, and rode to the Residency. Colonel Palmer was still up,engaged in writing a report for the Government. It was a darknight, and the sentry on duty, knowing Harry's voice, let him passwithout question, not even observing the change in his attire.

  "What! Back again, Mr. Lindsay?" the colonel exclaimed, insurprise, when Harry entered. "I thought that it would be a monthbefore you returned--that is, if you ever returned at all, and ofthis I had but little hope. As I expected, you have, of course,found it impossible to carry out your design."

  "On the contrary, sir, I have been, I hope, perfectly successful. Ihave seen Nana Furnuwees, and ascertained that he is ready to pay alarge sum to obtain his freedom, and his former position as thePeishwa's minister. I have seen Scindia. Tomorrow a troop of horsewill start, to fetch Nana to his camp; and Ghatgay will be arrestedas soon as possible, after he arrives."

  "How in the name of fortune have you managed all these things?" thecolonel asked.

  "I will tell you, sir, now that I am back here. I shall tomorrowreassume my uniform, and there is no danger of my being recognized,or of trouble arising from what I have done."

  He then related the v
arious steps he had taken, and hisconversations with Nana and Scindia.

  "Upon my word, Mr. Lindsay, I do not know whether to admire mostyour daring, in bearding Scindia in the heart of his camp; or theintelligence with which you have carried out what seemed, to me, anabsolutely impossible undertaking.

  "Light your cheroot. I need not trouble about this report that Iwas engaged on, when you entered, but will put it by until the dayafter tomorrow, when we shall see whether Nana is brought toScindia's camp.

  "You speak Hindustani as well as Mahratti, do you not?"

  "Not so well, sir; but as you know I have, during the six monthsthat I was at Bombay, and since I have been here, used most of myspare time working up Hindustani, with a moonshee."

  "I am glad to hear it, for I received a letter from the Governor,this morning, saying that Lord Mornington has requested him to sendan officer, thoroughly acquainted with Mahratti and with someknowledge of the people; and that he has selected you for theservice, as being by far better fitted than anyone he knows for theappointment. A knowledge of Hindustani will, of course, be veryuseful to you; but Mahratti is the principal thing, as he isintending to open negotiations with the Mahrattas, as well as withthe Nizam, to induce them to join in concerted action againstTippoo.

  "He says that no vessel will be sailing for Calcutta for less thana month, so you can stay here for a few days, and see how yourscheme works out. It will be a great step for you, and ensure yourapid promotion."

  "I am indeed obliged to the Governor for selecting me," Harry said,"and will do my best to justify his confidence."

  Two days later, Nana Furnuwees was brought to Scindia's camp--newswhich caused Bajee Rao intense consternation. He at once sent off,to open negotiations with the Nizam for common action, offering aconsiderable amount of territory for his assistance.

  Colonel Palmer rode over the next morning to Scindia's camp, andfound that Scindia had demanded three millions of rupees as theprice of Nana's release, and appointment as minister to thePeishwa. Nana had protested his absolute inability to raiseanything like that sum, but had offered five hundred thousandrupees.

  "I can quite believe that he could not pay the sum Scindiademands," the colonel said, on his return; "and when Scindia seesthat he would rather return to prison than attempt impossibilities,he will come down in his demands, and Nana will go up in his offer.It is a mere question of bargaining."

  When Scindia heard of the step that Bajee Rao had taken, he wasgreatly alarmed; for he could hardly hope to withstand the Nizam'sarmy, and that which Bajee himself could raise; and he thereforematerially lowered his demands, and finally accepted Nana's offerof nine hundred thousand rupees. This arrangement being made, hepermitted Nana to leave the camp in order to raise the money;receiving his solemn oath that, if he failed to do so, he wouldreturn and render himself a prisoner again.

  However, in a few days Nana sent in the money. Scindia fulfilledthe other part of his promise, and insisted upon the Peishwa'sreceiving Nana as his minister. A few days later he had Ghatgayarrested, by the sons of two of his European officers.

  Scindia was, indeed, most anxious to be off. He did not know thatthe Nizam had refused Bajee Rao's offer. He had received news ofwidespread disaffection among his troops at home, and felt that hecould not rely upon those with him. As soon, therefore, as hereceived the money from Nana, he partially paid the arrears due tothe soldiers. The sum, however, was altogether insufficient tosatisfy the troops and, as Nana Furnuwees found that Bajee wasstill intriguing with Scindia for his overthrow, and that no restcould be hoped for until the latter's army marched away, headvanced Scindia fifteen lakhs of rupees from his own privatefunds. The latter was then able to satisfy his troops.

  Scindia accepted the money, but still remained in the neighbourhoodof Poona.

  These matters were not concluded until months after Harry left forBombay. On arriving there he called upon the Governor, to reportthe release of Nana Furnuwees.

  "I received Colonel Palmer's last report, four days ago. He hasgiven me full details of the manner in which you, on your owninitiative, brought about Nana's release, and the approachingdeparture of Scindia; and I of course brought them before theCouncil, and they quite agreed with me as to the remarkable daringand ability with which you had carried out what Colonel Palmerbelieved to be an impossible scheme.

  "I have pleasure in handing you your commission of captain, andonly regret that we cannot break the rules of the service, bynominating you major. Tomorrow your name will be removed from thelist of officers of the 3rd Regiment, and you will be appointed tothe staff. You will have a week before you, to obtain the properuniform. I shall not require you to perform any duties, and youwill therefore have your time to yourself, till you sail. I shall,of course, forward my reasons for sending you to Lord Mornington,and shall give an account of the services that you have rendered;which will doubtless excite as much admiration in Calcutta as inBombay.

  "I shall be glad if you will dine with me, the day after tomorrow,when I shall ask the members of the Council to meet you."

  On leaving the Governor, Harry at once went to the shop of theParsee merchant from whom he had obtained his regimentals, andordered the various uniforms required for the staff. He then wentto Soyera and, to his great satisfaction, found Sufder there. Thelatter's troop was one of those which had been disbanded when, onthe arrival of Scindia, Bajee Rao deemed it necessary to reduce hisforce; and Sufder, after staying for some time at Jooneer, had nowcome down to see his cousin.

  "I am glad, indeed, to find you here, Sufder; in the first place,because it is always a pleasure to meet a good friend; and in thesecond, because you can take Soyera back with you, and place herwith Ramdass."

  "But why should I leave here, Harry?"

  "Because, mother, I am to start for Madras in three weeks; and maybe, for aught I know, away for a year or more. Of course you canremain here if you prefer it, but it seems to me that the otherwould be the better plan."

  "I should certainly prefer to go with Sufder to my home," Soyerasaid. "I have numbers of acquaintances here, but no real friends;and Ramdass and Anundee will, I know, joyfully receive me."

  "At any rate, you shall be no burden to them, Soyera. I will giveyou a thousand rupees, with which you can pay your share of theexpenses of the house or land; and I will give you a similar sum tohand to Ramdass, as a token of my gratitude for his protection andkindness. This will enable him to add to his holding, and to thecomforts of his house. I would willingly give much more, but itmight cause suspicion and enquiry, were he to extend his holdinglargely; and the authorities of Jooneer might demand from him howhe became possessed of such means. As I told you, I have receivedmuch money in presents, and could afford to give you very muchmore, if it were of any advantage to you.

  "I shall give a thousand rupees also to you, Sufder. They will beuseful to you, when you settle down on the revenues of yourdistrict; and enable you to cut a good figure among the people whenyou arrive there."

  The day before he was to sail, a Hindu entered Harry's apartmentand, bowing deeply, handed him a letter. It was from Nana.

  "My good English friend,

  "I send the enclosed bill, upon my agent, as a small token ofacknowledgment for the inestimable service you have rendered me.During my long life I have had many friends; but these, insupporting me, acted in their own interest. You alone have shown meabsolutely disinterested friendship. I have always been opposed toyour people interfering in the affairs of the Deccan; but I see nowthat nothing save their intervention can save the country fromabsolute ruin, owing to the constant struggles for supremacy amongthe great rajahs; and I see that it were far better we should enjoypeace and protection, under a foreign power, than be exposed toruin and misery at the hands of warring factions.

  "I grieve that I have not seen you again. Colonel Palmer tells methat you are about to start for either Calcutta or Madras, to jointhe army that is about to act against Tippoo. It is unlikely that Ishall ever see you again;
but I shall never forget that, had it notbeen for you, I should have ended my life a prisoner atAhmednuggur.


  The bill enclosed was an order for a hundred thousand rupees, uponNana's agent in Bombay.

  When Harry went to say goodbye to the Governor, the latter said:

  "It is likely that you will see your old regiment before long,Captain Lindsay. This morning a ship arrived, with orders from LordMornington for us to send as many troops as could possibly bespared, to ascend the southern Ghauts and join him nearSeringapatam. Lord Mornington is now at Madras, making arrangementsfor an advance; when his brother, Colonel Wellesley, will moveforward with the Nizam's troops. There is still a doubt what partthe Mahrattas will take--probably they will hold aloof, altogether,until they see how matters go. We know that Tippoo has sentthirteen lakhs of rupees to Bajee Rao, and that the latter andScindia are in constant communication with him. However, at presentwe shall take no notice of these proceedings; but allow the Peishwato believe that we are deceived by the constant assurances that hegives us of his friendship, although he has declined to enter intoa treaty with us, similar to that which the Nizam has made.

  "It is enough to have one formidable foe on our hands at a time,and our experience of Bajee assures us that he will not commithimself, by openly declaring for Tippoo, until he sees how mattersare going."

  The winds were unfavourable, and it was not until six weeks afterleaving Bombay that Harry arrived at Madras. It was now November,1798 and, on landing, he learned that General Harris was in commandof the army that was assembling at Vellore, and that the GovernorGeneral had returned to Calcutta. He therefore at once went back tothe ship, which next day sailed for that town.

  On arriving there he presented himself at the Government House and,on sending in his name, was in a short time shown in to LordMornington's private room.

  "I am glad that you have come, Captain Lindsay," the latter said."I wish that you had been here sooner."

  "I came by the first ship, sir, after the Governor of Bombayreceived your letter but, owing to contrary winds, we have beennearly two months on the voyage. I landed for an hour at Madrasand, hearing that you had returned here, I hesitated whether tocome to you for orders, or to join General Harris at Vellore; but Ithought it better to come on, and so again embarked on the ship,which has only just anchored."

  "You were quite right, sir, for it was an agent rather than asoldier that I required. I own that I thought the Governor wouldhave sent an older man."

  "I am the bearer of this letter from him. I believe that in it hegives his reasons for the honour he did me, in selecting me for thepost."

  "I will look through it, presently," Lord Mornington said; "and ifyou will dine with me here, I shall then have read it, and shall beable to decide where you can be employed to the best advantage."

  The dinner was a quiet one, only the officers of the GovernorGeneral's suite being present. The Governor received Harry withmuch more cordiality than he had evinced at their first interview,and introduced him to his officers, with the expression thatCaptain Lindsay had done very valuable service in the Deccan.Little allusion was made to business, until the other officers hadleft, when Lord Mornington said:

  "I have read the Governor of Bombay's letter, and am convinced thathe could have made no better choice than he has done. He speaks ofyou in the highest terms, and has given me a slight sketch of yourstory, and a fuller one of the manner in which you obtained therelease of Nana Furnuwees. I learn that Nana has always beenconsidered our friend; although we have not been able to give himthe support that we could wish, as this would have entailed warwith the Mahrattas, which Bombay is in no position to undertake.Nevertheless, his release will doubtless, to some extent,counterbalance the duplicity of the Peishwa who, while lavish inhis promises to us, is receiving money from Tippoo; and willundoubtedly, unless restrained by Nana, openly espouse his cause,should he gain any successes over us. You showed such intelligencein the matter that he says I can place every confidence in you.

  "Although the Nizam has been obliged to dismiss the French troopsin his service, and to send a portion of his army to act inconnection with our own against Mysore, he is in no way to betrusted; being as slippery as the rest of these Indian princes and,like the Mahrattas, would assuredly join Tippoo if he saw his wayto doing so. This is so certain that nothing would be gained bysending another agent to Hyderabad. I therefore propose to opencommunications with the Rajah of Berar.

  "None of my officers is able to talk Mahratti; though many of themare, of course, familiar with the southern dialects. The rajah isalready practically at war with the Mahrattas as, for a long time,his troops have been ravaging the territory of Purseram Bhow; whichhe was invited to do by the Peishwa, when Purseram took sidesagainst him. He is doubtless in some apprehension of an attack bythe Mahrattas and, upon our promising to guarantee his dominions,and to give him support if attacked, he may be willing to ventureinto an alliance with us; and his doing so would, alike, help us inkeeping the Nizam to his engagements, and deter the Mahrattas frommoving.

  "This is the mission that I intend to confide to you. I believethat it could not be in better hands. If you will call, tomorrowafternoon, your written instructions and powers to act for me, andto enter into engagements in my name, will be ready for you; and Ishould wish you to start the next morning. You will have an escortof twenty troopers. These Indian princes have little respect forpersons who travel unattended.

  "You will understand that the instructions recite the maximum thatyou are authorized to offer to the rajah. If he will be satisfiedwith less you will, of course, grant as little as you can; if hedemands more, you must refer the matter to me. At any rate, so longas you are negotiating, he will take no active steps against us;though I have learned that Bajee Rao has already been at work,trying to persuade him to join himself and Tippoo against us. Weresuch a treaty concluded, we could no longer hope to retain theNizam; and indeed, should find it difficult to contend against sopowerful a confederacy. At any rate, if the rajah will not join us,you must endeavour at least to secure his neutrality.

  "The day after tomorrow you will start. I will have a route mapprepared for you. The distance to Nagpore is about eight hundredmiles, and you will get there in four weeks, travelling thirtymiles a day. I have given orders, today, for one of the Company'sships of war to take you and your escort to the mouth of theGanjam; and express messengers have already started, with orders tothe commandant to provide waggons to carry your tent, equipage andstores. You should, if the winds are favourable, reach there infour or five days' time."

  "The carts will delay us, sir, and without them we might make fortymiles a day, after we have landed; for the horses of this countryhave great endurance."

  "A few days will make no great difference. There are no towns ofany importance on the road to Nagpore, and you would have to put upat wretched khans, and would be considered as worthy of littleconsideration; whereas I wish you to travel in a style suitable formy agent, and to impress the native mind with your importance.

  "Have you horses?"

  "I have but one, sir, and a pony for my servant."

  "You must purchase another, and a good one, with showy equipments.You will, of course, charge that and all other expenses, and yourappointment will be a thousand rupees a month. I have no doubt therajah will lodge you handsomely. Should he not do so, you had bestencamp outside the town. Do not put up with any inferior lodging."

  "Very well, sir; I shall endeavour to carry out your orders, to theletter."

  Harry was fortunate in being able to purchase an excellent horseand, in the afternoon, received his letters of instruction. On thefollowing day he embarked in a twelve-gun sloop, with twentytroopers under the command of a native officer. The wind wasfavourable and, in four days, they arrived at the mouth of theGanjam.

  A large native barge came out to meet them. The horses and thestores which Harry had purchased, together with some boxes withpresents for the rajah, w
ere transferred to her; and two of theship's boats took the barge in tow to the shore. The commandant ofthe small garrison there informed Harry that the bullock carts hadalready gone on to a village, thirty miles away; and that he wouldfind all in readiness for him, on his arrival.

  Without waiting an hour he started with his escort and, half a milefrom the village, found the camp already pitched. It consisted ofone large and handsome tent, such as those used by high officials,and two smaller ones for the escort. He had engaged at Calcutta agood cook, and this man at once began to light fires, and prepare ameal from the stores Harry had brought with him.

  The tent was handsomely furnished. A large carpet covered theground. There was a bed, four large chairs, and a table; whilebetween the outer and inner walls of the tent was a bath. As soonas they halted, one of the troopers rode into the village andpurchased fowls, rice, ghee, and condiments for the use of theescort, who were all Mahommedans.

  Harry found, to his satisfaction, that another set of waggons hadstarted that morning for the next halting place; and that he wouldfind everything ready for him there. This was a great satisfaction,for he had feared that the work of taking down and packing thetents would delay his start in the morning, and that at the end ofthe day's ride he would have to wait some hours before the tentscame up; whereas by the system of double carriage, he would not bedelayed.

  The head man told him that his party would start in the morning, assoon as the cart could be packed; that fresh bullocks would behired at the village where he would halt, and would travel allnight, so as to be in readiness for him when he had accomplishedanother stage; and that this process would be continued until theyreached Nagpore.