The Cat of Bubastes: A Tale of Ancient Egypt Read online

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  When Chebron and Amuba returned to the room set apart for their useand study their conversation did not turn upon the slaying of the cator the danger which threatened them, but upon the wonderful revelationthat Ameres had made. Neither of them thought for a moment of doubtinghis words. Their feeling of reverence for his wisdom and learningwould have been sufficient in itself for them to accept without aquestion any statement that he made to them. But there was in additiontheir own inward conviction of the truth of his theory. It appealed atonce to their heads and hearts. It satisfied all their longing andannihilated their doubts and difficulties; cleared away at once thepantheon of strange and fantastic figures that had been a source ofdoubting amusement to Amuba, of bewilderment to Chebron.

  "The Israelite maid Ruth was right, then," Amuba said. "You know thatshe told us that her forefathers who came down into Egypt believedthat there was one God only, and that all the others were false gods.She said that he could not be seen or pictured; that he was God of allthe heavens, and so infinite that the mind of man could form no ideaof him. Everything she said of him seems to be true, except inasmuchas she said he cared more for her ancestors than for other men; but ofcourse each nation and people would think that."

  "It is wonderful," Chebron replied as he paced restlessly up and downthe room. "Now that I know the truth it seems impossible I could havereally believed that all the strange images of our temples reallyrepresented gods. It worried me to think of them. I could not see howthey could be, and yet I never doubted their existence. It seems to menow that all the people of Egypt are living in a sort of nightmare.Why do those who know so much suffer them to remain in such darkness?"

  "I understood your father to say, Chebron, that he himself is only infavor of the more enlightened and educated people obtaining a glimpseof the truth. I think I can understand that. Were all the lower classinformed that the gods they worshiped were merely shadows of a greatGod and not real living deities, they would either fall upon and rendthose who told them so as impious liars, or, if they could be made tobelieve it, they would no longer hold to any religion, and in theirrage might tear down the temples, abolish the order of priesthoodaltogether, spread tumult and havoc through the land, rebel againstall authority, destroy with one blow all the power and glory ofEgypt."

  "That is true," Chebron said thoughtfully. "No doubt the ignorant massof the people require something material to worship. They need tobelieve in gods who will punish impiety and wrong and rewardwell-doing; and the religion of Egypt, as they believe it, is bettersuited to their daily wants than the worship of a deity so mighty andgreat and good that their intellect would fail altogether to grasphim."

  Their conversation was suddenly interrupted by the entrance of Ruth.

  "Paucis is missing. When we came back from our walk we went out to theanimals, and the door of the house is open and the cat has gone. Mysasays will you come at once and help look for it? I was to send all thewomen who can be spared from the house to join in the search."

  Work was instantly abandoned, for all knew that Paucis had been chosento be the sacred cat at Bubastes; but even had it been one of theothers, the news that it was missing would have caused a generalexcitement. So esteemed were even the most common animals of the cattribe that, if a cat happened to die in a house, the inhabitants wentinto mourning and shaved their eyebrows in token of their grief; theembalmers were sent for, the dead cat made into a mummy, and conveyedwith much solemnity to the great catacombs set aside for the burial ofthe sacred animals. Thus the news that Paucis was missing was soimportant that work was at once laid aside and the men and femaleslaves began to search the garden thoroughly, examining every bush andtree, and calling loudly to the missing animal. Chebron and Amubajoined in the search as actively as the rest.

  "Where can it be?" Mysa exclaimed. "Why should it have wandered away?It never did so before, though the door of the cat house is often leftopen all day. Where do you think it can have gone to? Do you think itcould have got over the wall?"

  "It could get over the wall easily enough," Chebron replied.

  "It is a terrible misfortune!" continued Mysa with tears in her eyes."Mamma fainted on hearing the news, and her women are burning feathersunder her nose and slapping her hands and sprinkling water on herface. Whatever will be done if it does not come back before to-morrow?for I hear a solemn procession is coming from Bubastes to fetch itaway. Poor dear Paucis! And it seemed so contented and happy, and ithad everything it could want! What can have induced her to wanderaway?"

  "Cats are often uncertain things," Amuba said. "They are not likedogs, who are always ready to follow their masters, and who will liedown for hours, ready to start out whenever called upon."

  "Yes, but Paucis was not a common cat, Amuba. It did not want to catchmice and birds for a living. It had everything it could possiblywant--cushions to lie on, and fresh water and milk to drink, andplenty of everything to eat."

  "But even all that will not satisfy cats when the instinct to wandercomes upon them," Amuba said.

  Ameres himself soon came out of the house, and, upon hearing that thecat was not to be found either in the garden or within, gave ordersfor the whole of the males of the household to sally out in thesearch, to inform all the neighbors what had happened, and to praythem to search their gardens. They were also to make inquiries of allthey met whether they had seen a cat resembling Paucis.

  "This is a very serious matter," Ameres said. "After the choice of thepriest of Bubastes had fixed upon Paucis to be the sacred cat of thetemple of Bubastes, the greatest care and caution should have beenexercised respecting an animal toward whom all the eyes of Egypt wereturned. For the last two or three weeks the question as to which catwas to succeed to the post of honor has been discussed in everyhousehold. Great has been the excitement among all the familiespossessing cats that had the smallest chance whatever of beingselected; and what will be said if the cat is not forthcoming when theprocession arrives to-morrow from Bubastes to conduct her there, Itremble to think of. The excitement and stir will be prodigious, andthe matter will become of state importance. Well, do not stand here,but go at once and join in the search."

  "I felt horribly guilty when talking to Mysa," Chebron said. "Ofcourse she is very proud that Paucis was chosen for the temple, but Iknow that she has really been grieving over the approaching loss ofher favorite. But of course that was nothing to what she will feelwhen she finds that no news whatever can be obtained of the creature;and it was hard to play the part and to pretend to know nothing aboutit, when all the time one knew it was lying dead and buried in thegarden."

  "Yes, I felt that myself," Amuba agreed, "but we cannot help it. Mysawill probably in the course of her life have very much more seriousgrief to bear than the loss of a cat."

  All day the search was maintained, and when it was dark great numbersof men with torches searched every point far and near on that side ofThebes. The news had now spread far and wide, and numbers of thefriends of the high priest called to inquire into the particulars ofthe loss and to condole with him on the calamity which had befallenhis house. Innumerable theories were broached as to the course theanimal would have taken after once getting out of the garden, whilethe chances of its recovery were eagerly discussed. The generalopinion was that it would speedily be found. A cat of such remarkableappearance must, it was argued, attract notice wherever it went; andeven if it did not return of its own accord, as was generallyexpected, it was considered certain that it would be brought backbefore many hours.

  But when upon the following morning it was found that it had notreturned and that all search for it had been fruitless, there was afeeling akin to consternation. For the first time men ventured to hintthat something must have befallen the sacred cat. Either in itsrambles some evil dog must have fallen upon it and slain it, or itmust have been carried off by a crocodile as it quenched its thirst ata pool. That it had fallen by the hand of man no one even sugg
ested.No Egyptian would be capable of an act of such sacrilege. The idea wastoo monstrous to entertain for a moment.

  Mysa had cried herself to sleep, and broke forth in fresh lamentationwhen upon waking in the morning she heard that her favorite was stillabsent; while her mother took the calamity so seriously to heart thatshe kept her bed. The slaves went about silently and spoke with batedbreath, as if a death had taken place in the house. Ameres and Chebronwere both anxious and disturbed, knowing that the excitement wouldgrow every hour; while Amuba and Jethro, joining busily in the searchand starting on horseback the first thing in the morning to makeinquiries in more distant localities, were secretly amused at the fussand excitement which was being made over the loss of a cat.

  It was well for the household of Ameres that he occupied so exalted aposition in the priesthood. Had he been a private citizen, theexcitement, which increased hour by hour when the vigilant searchcarried on far and wide for the missing cat proved fruitless, wouldspeedily have led to an outbreak of popular fury. But the respect dueto the high priest of Osiris, his position, his well-known learningand benevolence rendered it impossible for the supposition to beentertained for a moment that the cat could have come to an untimelyend within the limits of his house or garden, but it was now generallybelieved that, after wandering away, as even the best conducted ofcats will do at times, it had fallen a victim to some savage beast orhad been devoured by a crocodile.

  So heavy was the penalty for the offense, so tremendous the sacrilegein killing a cat, that such an act was almost unknown in Egypt, andbut few instances are recorded of its having taken place. As in thepresent case the enormity of the act would be vastly increased by thesize and beauty of the cat, and the fact that it had been chosen forthe temple of Bubastes seemed to put it altogether beyond the range ofpossibility that the creature had fallen by the hands of man. When aweek passed without tidings it was generally accepted as a fact thatthe cat must be dead, and Ameres and his household, in accordance withthe custom, shaved their eyebrows in token of mourning.

  Although not suspected of having had anything to do with the lossof the cat, the event nevertheless threw a sort of cloud over thehousehold of Ameres. It was considered to be such a terrible stroke ofill-luck that a cat, and above all such a cat, should have been lostupon the very eve of her being installed as the most sacred animal inthe temple of Bubastes, that it seemed as if it must be a direct proofof the anger of the gods, and there was a general shrinking on thepart of their friends and acquaintances from intercourse with peopleupon whom such a misfortune had fallen. Ameres cared little for publicopinion, and continued on his way with placid calmness, ministering inthe temple and passing the rest of his time in study.

  The example of Ameres, however, was wholly lost upon his wife. Thedeference paid to her as the wife of the high priest, and also toherself as the principal figure in the services in which women tookpart, was very dear to her, and she felt the change greatly. Herslaves had a very bad time of it, and she worried Ameres with constantcomplaints as to the changed demeanor of her acquaintances and hisindifference to the fact that they were no longer asked toentertainments; nor was she in any way pacified by his quietassurances that it was useless for them to irritate themselves overtrifles, and that matters would mend themselves in time.

  But as the days went on, so far from mending things became worse;groups of people frequently assembled round the house, and shouts ofanger and hatred were raised when any of the occupants entered orleft. Even when Ameres was passing through the streets in processionwith the sacred emblems hoots and cries were raised among the crowd.Chebron took this state of things greatly to heart, and more than oncehe implored his father to allow him to declare the truth openly andbear the consequences.

  "I am not afraid of death, father. Have you not trained me to regardlife as of no account? Do we not in our feasts always see the image ofa dead man carried past to remind us that death is always among us?You have Mysa and my mother. I fear death far less than this constantanxiety that is hanging over us."

  But Ameres would not hear of the sacrifice. "I do not pretend thatthere is no danger, Chebron. I thought at first that the matter wouldsoon pass over, but I own that I was wrong. The unfortunate fact thatthe creature was chosen as sacred cat for the temple at Bubastes hasgiven its loss a prominence far beyond that which there would havebeen had it been an ordinary animal of its class, and the affair hasmade an extraordinary sensation in the city. Still I cannot but thinkthat an enemy must be at work stirring up the people against me. Isuspect, although I may be wrong, that Ptylus is concerned in thematter. Since he reappeared after his sudden absence following thenight when you overheard that conversation, he has affected a feelingof warmth and friendship which I believe has been entirely feigned.

  "Whether he was one of those you overheard I am unable to say, but hissudden disappearance certainly favors that idea. At any rate, he canhave no real reason for any extra cordiality toward me at present, butwould more naturally still feel aggrieved at my rejection of his sonas a husband for Mysa. I thought at first when you told me what youhad overheard that possibly it was a plot against my life. Now I feelsure of it.

  "No doubt they believe, as no measures were taken, that theirconversation was not overheard or that only a few words reached thelisteners, and his manner to me is designed to allay any suspicion Imight have conceived had as much of the conversation as was overheardbeen reported to me. It has had just the opposite effect. At any rate,an enemy is at work, and even were you to sacrifice yourself byadmitting that you slew the missing animal, not only would your deathbe the result, but a general ruin would fall upon us.

  "The mob would easily be taught to believe that I must to a greatextent be responsible; the opinions I have expressed would be quotedagainst me, and even the favor of the king could not maintain me in mypresent position in defiance of popular clamor. No, my son, we muststand or fall together. Jethro offered yesterday if I liked to dig upthe remains of the cat, carry it away and hide it under some rocks ata distance, but I think the danger would be greater than in allowingmatters to remain as they are. It is certain that the house iswatched. As you know, servants going in and out after nightfall havebeen rudely hustled and thrown down. Some have been beaten, andreturned well-nigh stripped to the skin. I doubt not that theseattacks were made in order to discover if they had anything concealedunder their garments. Were Jethro to venture upon such an attempt hemight either be attacked and the cat found upon him, or he might befollowed and the place where he hid it marked down. Things must go onas they are."

  Ameres did not tell Chebron the whole of the conversation he had hadwith Jethro. After declining his offer to endeavor to dispose of thebody of the cat elsewhere he said:

  "But, Jethro, although I cannot accept this perilous enterprise youhave offered to undertake, I will intrust you with a charge that willshow you how I confide in your devotion to my family. Should thisstorm burst, should the populace of this town once become thoroughlyimbued with the idea that the sacred cat has been slain here, therewill be an outburst of fanatical rage which will for the time carryall before it.

  "For myself I care absolutely nothing. I am perfectly willing to dieas soon as my time comes. I have done my work to the best of my power,and can meet the Mighty One with uplifted head. I have wronged no man,and have labored all my life for the good of the people. I have neverspared myself, and am ready for my rest; but I would fain save Chebronand Mysa from harm. Even in their wrath the populace will not injurethe women, but Mysa without a protector might fall into evil hands. Asto her, however, I can do nothing; but Chebron I would save. If hegrows up he will, I think, do good in the world. He has not thestrength and vigor of Amuba, but he is not behind other lads of hisage. He has been well educated. His mind is active and his heartgood. I look to you, Jethro, to save him, if it be possible, withAmuba, for I fear that Amuba is in as much danger as he is.

  "Should the slaves be seized and questioned, and perhaps flogged, tillth
ey say what they know, the fact would be sure to come out that thetwo lads were together among the animals on the morning before the catwas missed. It will be noticed, too, that they took with them theirbows and arrows. It will therefore be assumed that the responsibilityof the act lies upon both of them. Chebron, I know, would proclaim thetruth if he had an opportunity for speech, but an angry crowd does notstop to listen, and the same fate will befall them both.

  "You who are a stranger to our manners can hardly conceive the frenzyof excitement and rage in which the population of Egypt are thrown bythe killing of a cat. I doubt whether even the king's person would beheld sacred were the guilt of such an offense brought home to him;and, of course, the fact that this unfortunate beast was to have goneto the temple of Bubastes makes its death a matter ten times graverthan ordinary. Therefore should the storm burst, there is no hope foreither of them but in flight. The question is, whither could they fly?

  "Certainly they would be safe nowhere in Egypt. Nor were it possiblethat they could journey north and reach the sea, could they do sobefore the news reached the ports. Naturally messengers would be sentto the frontier towns, and even the governors of the provinces lyingeast of the Great Sea would hear of it; and could they leave thecountry and cross the desert they might be seized and sent back ontheir arrival. For the same reason the routes from here to the portson the Arabian Sea are closed to them. It seems to me that their onlyhope of safety lies in reaching the country far up the Nile andgaining Meroe, over whose people the authority of Egypt is but ashadow; thence possibly they might some day reach the Arabian Sea,cross that and pass up through the country east of the Great Sea, andtraveling by the route by which you came hither reach your country.Long before they could leave the savage tribes and start upon theirjourney this matter would have been forgotten, and whatever dangersmight befall them, that of arrest for participation in this matterwould not be among them.

  "I know that your fidelity and friendship for the son of your lateking would cause you to risk all dangers and hardships for his sake,and that if bravery and prudence could take him safely through suchterrible dangers as would be encountered in such a journey as I speakof, you will conduct him through them. I ask you to let Chebron shareyour protection, and to render him such service as you will give toAmuba."

  "I can promise that willingly, my lord," Jethro answered. "He hastreated Amuba more as a brother than a servant since we came here, andI will treat him as if he were a brother to Amuba, now that dangerthreatens. The journey you speak of would, indeed, be a long anddangerous one; but I agree with you that only by accomplishing it isthere even a chance of escape."

  "Then I commit my son to your charge, Jethro, and I do so with fullconfidence that if it be possible for him to make this journey insafety he will do so. I have already placed in the hands of Chigron,the embalmer, a large sum of money. You can trust him absolutely. Itis through my patronage that he has risen from being a small worker tobe the master of one of the largest businesses in Egypt, and he hasthe embalming of all the sacred animals belonging to our temple andseveral others. He will hide the boys for a time until you are readyto start on your journey.

  "When you are once a few days south of Thebes you will be fairly safefrom pursuit, for they will never think of looking for you in thatdirection, but will make sure that you will attempt to leave thecountry either by sea, by the Eastern Desert, or that you may possiblytry to reach some of the tribes in the west, and so to go down uponthe Great Sea there. I thought at first that this might be the bestdirection; but the tribes are all subject to us and would naturallyregard Egyptians going among them as fugitives from justice, and sohand them over to us."

  "You can rely upon me, my lord, to carry out your directions and doall that is possible to serve the two lads. What the country throughwhich we have to pass is like, or its inhabitants, I know not, but atleast we will do our best to reach the Arabian Sea as you direct.Amuba is hardy and strong, and Chebron, though less powerful in frame,is courageous, and able to use his weapons. We should, of course,travel in disguise. But you spoke something about your daughter--inwhat way can I serve her? I have now accompanied her in her walks formonths, and would lay down my life for her."

  "I fear that you can do nothing," Ameres said after a pause. "We havemany friends, one of whom will doubtless receive her. At first Iwould, if it were possible, that she should go to some relatives ofmine who live at Amyla, fifty miles up the river. She was staying withthem two years ago and will know the house; but I do not see how youcould take her--the boys will be sufficient charge on your hands. Shewill have her mother with her, and though I fear that the latter haslittle real affection for her, having no time to think of aught buther own pleasure and amusement, she will be able to place her amongthe many friends she has.

  "It is not her present so much I am thinking of as her future. Ishould like my little Mysa to marry happily. She is a littleself-willed, and has been indulged; and although, of course, she wouldmarry as I arrange for her, I would not give her to any one who wasnot altogether agreeable to her. I fear that should anything happen tome the same consideration might not be paid to her inclinations.However, Jethro, I see no manner in which you can be useful to Mysa.So far as she is concerned things must be left to take their owncourse."

  "I trust," Jethro said, "that your forebodings will not be verified. Icannot believe that an absurd suspicion can draw away the hearts ofthe people from one whom they have so respected as yourself."

  Ameres shook his head.

  "The people are always fickle, Jethro, and easily led; and their loveand respect for the gods renders it easy for any one who works on thatfeeling to lash them into fury. All else is as nothing in their eyesin comparison with their religion. It is blind worship, if you will;but it is a sincere one. Of all the people in the world there are noneto whom religion counts so much as to the Egyptians. It is interwovenwith all their daily life. Their feasts and processions are allreligious, they eat and drink and clothe themselves according to itsdecrees, and undertake no action, however trifling, without consultingthe gods. Thus, therefore, while in all other respects obedience ispaid to the law, they are maddened by any supposed insult to theirreligion, or any breach of its observances. I know that we are indanger. The ideas that I have held of the regeneration of the peopleby purifying their religious beliefs have been used as weapons againstme. I know from what has come to my ears that it has been hinted amongthem that in spite of my high office I have no respect for the gods.

  "The accusation is false, but none the less dangerous for that.Nothing is more difficult than to expose or annihilate a falsehood. Itspreads like wildfire, and the clearest demonstration of its falsityfails to reach a tithe of those who believe it. However, it isneedless to speak of it now. You know what I wish you to do if dangercomes--get the boys away, and conduct them to the place I haveindicated. If they are from home seek them and take them there. Do notwaste time in vain attempts to succor me. If you are attacked, andthis may possibly be the case, make, I pray you, no resistance savesuch as may be needed to get away. Above all, do not try to interfereon my behalf. One man, though endowed with supernatural strength,cannot overcome a mob, and your trying to aid me would not benefit me,and might cost you your life, and so deprive Chebron and Amuba oftheir protector."

  Jethro promised strictly to follow the instructions he had received,and to devote himself in case of need solely to insuring the safety ofthe boys.

  Two days later, Ameres sent Chebron and Amuba away to the farm, andtold them to remain there until he sent for them.

  "You cannot go in and out here without unpleasantness," he said, "andhad best be away. Your presence here can be of no use, and you areprobably quite as much suspected as I am. As to your mother andsister, the present state of things is inconvenient to them, but thatis all. There can be no danger for them; however violent a mob theywould not molest females."

  "Why should not you also, father, go away until the trouble ispassed?"

bsp; "I cannot leave my duties, Chebron; nor would it benefit me if I did.I am convinced that this cry against us is a mere pretext which hasbeen seized by enemies who dare not attack me openly. Were I to departfrom Thebes my absence would be denounced as a proof of my guilt, andthe people be inflamed more and more against me, and nowhere in Egyptshould I be safe. My only course is to face the storm, trusting to theintegrity of my life, to the absence of any deed which could offendthe great God I believe in, and to the knowledge that my life is inhis hands. When it is his will, and not before, it will return to himwho gave it me."

  "Could you not apply to the king for guards?"

  "The king spoke to me yesterday at the termination of the council,"Ameres replied, "and told me that he had been informed of the murmursof the populace against me. He said that as one of his most trustedcounselors, and as a high priest of Osiris, he knew that the chargesagainst me were baseless; but that in view of the proneness of thepeople of Thebes to excitement and tumult, he should be glad to ordera company of soldiers to keep guard over my house. I refused. I saidthat I was conscious of no evil, that none could say that I was slackin my ministrations in the temple, or that I had ever spoken a word indisrespect of our religion. That as for the disappearance of thesacred cat, of which so much had been made, I had had no hand in it,and that whatever had happened to it had been, I was sure, the resultof accident. Were I to have soldiers placed to guard me it would be aconfession that I was conscious of ill-doing, and knew that I hadforfeited the protection of the gods. It would, too, help to keep upthe talk and excitement, which I trusted would die away ere long."

  Chebron did not think of further questioning the orders of Ameres, andan hour later he and Amuba rode out to the farm. Before they startedAmeres had a long talk with Chebron, and told him that he had placedhim in charge of Jethro in the event of any popular outbreak takingplace.

  "Remember, Chebron," he said, "that whatever comes of this affair youare not to blame yourself for the accident of killing the cat. Allthings are in the hands of the great God, and your arrow would nothave struck the twig and flown straight to the heart of that creaturehad it not been his will. Moreover, you must always remember that theloss of this cat is but a pretext for the tumult.

  "The populace believe that they are angry on account of the loss ofthe sacred cat, whereas, in fact, they are but instruments in thehands of my enemies. I have no doubt whatever now that the plot youoverheard in the temple was directed against my life, and had not theloss of the cat happened opportunely and served them as a lever withwhich to work against me, the plot would have taken some other form. Itrust sincerely that whatever fate may befall your sister she maynever have to marry the son of the man who has plotted against mylife. But it is no use thinking of that now. Should aught happenbefore we meet again, remember I have placed you in the hands ofJethro, and have delegated my authority to him. He is shrewd, strong,and courageous, and can be relied upon to do what is best. In Amubayou will find a friend who will be as a brother to you. So farewell,my son, and may the great One who rules all things keep you!"

  A stay at the farm had hitherto been regarded by Chebron as adelightful change from the city, but upon this occasion he proceededthere sad and depressed in spirit.

  "Even here we are watched, you see, Chebron," Amuba said as they rodealong. "Do you see those runners behind us? Doubtless they will followus to the farm, and set a watch upon us there. However, there, atleast, they can search as much as they like, and find out nothing."


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