The Cat of Bubastes: A Tale of Ancient Egypt Read online

Page 16



  Six days passed without their watch being rewarded; then Chebron,whose post was just opposite the road where they had traced thewheels, saw a chariot turn from the main road into it. As many othershad taken that course every day he did not at first feel very hopeful,although the time precisely tallied with that at which Plexo shouldhave arrived had he started at the same hour as before. As it camenear, however, he became convinced that it was the vehicle he waslooking for. The horses tallied in color with those of Plexo, and thecolor of his dress could even at that distance be distinguished. Thistime, however, he was not accompanied by a servant, but by a figurethe whiteness of whose garment showed him also to be a priest. "Thatmust be Ptylus," he said to himself, "my father's murderer. Would Iwere down by the edge of the road, with my bow and arrows; high priestas he has now become, I would send an arrow through his heart!"

  The chariot turned off by the road parallel to that which had beenfollowed from Thebes, and so close to the foot of the hills that fromChebron's post he could no longer see it. As soon as it was out ofsight he leaped to his feet and hurried along the hills to join Amuba,whose post was next to his own. He found his friend had already goneon, and he hurried breathlessly on until he reached Jethro, who hadbeen joined by Amuba a few minutes before.

  "Have you seen them?" he exclaimed.

  "I have seen them and marked them down," Jethro replied. "You see thatroof among those trees at the foot of the hill half a mile furtheralong? They turned off the road and entered these trees. Our search isover at last."

  "What had we better do, Jethro? Wait until they have left again, andthen go down?"

  "No," Jethro said sternly. "There are two things to be done--the oneis to rescue Mysa; the other to punish the murderer of Ameres. Buteven did we determine to delay our vengeance I should say we muststill press on. You saw that arch-villain Ptylus with his son. He hasassuredly come for some purpose; probably he may intend to terrify thegirl until he drives her into taking some solemn oath that she willaccept Plexo as her husband. What can a girl of that age do in thehands of unscrupulous villains like these? It may be that this foxPlexo has been trying flattery; and, finding that failed, has calledin Ptylus, who can threaten her with the anger of these gods of hers,to say nothing of perpetual imprisonment and harsh treatment. We willtherefore push on at once. Amuba and I carry our stout peasant staves,while you, Chebron, have your dagger concealed under that femaledress. We shall have all the advantage of surprise in our favor. It isnot likely that there are more than one or two men there, with perhapsa female servant. Ptylus would not wish the secret to be known to morethan was absolutely necessary. Of course it is possible that the fourmen who carried her off may all be on guard there, but if so, it makesbut six; and what with the surprise, and what with their not knowinghow numerous we are, that number should not be more than sufficientfor us to dispose of without difficulty. At any rate, were theretwenty I would not hesitate; honest men need never fear an encounterwith rogues."

  "Especially," Amuba said, "when the honest men possess such sinews asyours, Jethro, and a good heavy cudgel in their hands."

  Jethro smiled, but was in too earnest a mood to answer, and at onceled the way along the hillside until immediately behind the houseamong the trees; then they descended, climbing with some difficultyover the wall surrounding the wood, and entered the inclosure.Treading as lightly as possible Jethro and his companions passedthrough the wood and made their way up to the house. It was small buthandsomely built, and was surrounded with a colonnade supported bycarved pillars. The garden immediately around it was evidentlycarefully tended, and the house, from its secluded position, was wellfitted as a place of sojourn for a wealthy priest or noble desirous ofa few days' rest and retirement from the bustle of the great city. Asall were barefooted they passed across the garden to the colonnadewithout the slightest sound. As they reached it Jethro held up hishand for them to stop, for the sound of voices came through the widedoorway of an apartment opening out to the colonnade. Both Chebron andAmuba at once recognized the voice of Ptylus.

  "I will put up with no more of this folly, Mysa. You should thinkyourself fortunate in the extreme, in the position in which you are,belonging to a disgraced family, to receive such an offer as my sonmakes to you. I will have an answer at once. You will either swearbefore the gods that you accept Plexo as your future husband, that youwill reply to all who question you that you have been staying here byyour own free will, and that you remained in concealment simplybecause you were overwhelmed with horror at the terrible act ofsacrilege committed by your brother, or you will this night beconfined in a tomb, where you will remain alone and without the lightof day until you agree to my conditions. You don't think, you littlefool, that I, Ptylus, high priest of Osiris, am to be thwarted in myplans by the opposition of a child like you."

  Here a voice, which the three listeners recognized to their surpriseas that of Ruth, broke out:

  "Do not listen to him, Mysa. Whatever comes of it, never consent tolie before God, as this wicked man would have you. You call yourself ahigh priest, sir. What must be the worth of the gods you pretend toworship if they suffer one like you to minister to them? Were theygods, and not mere images of stone, they would strike you dead at thealtar."

  A furious exclamation broke from Ptylus, and he stepped forward andseized the Hebrew girl roughly by the shoulder, only to start backwith another exclamation as Ruth struck him with her open hand, withall her force, on the cheek.

  "Drag her hence, Plexo!" he exclaimed. But at this moment the entrancewas darkened, and the three listeners sprang into the room.

  Ptylus had the courage that distinguished his race, and although for amoment startled at the sudden entry he did not recoil, but drawing asword from his girdle he said haughtily:

  "Who are you, and what means this intrusion?"

  "We are those whom you have been hunting to death, Ptylus; and we comehere as avengers of blood. As you brought about the murder of Ameres,so you must die--to say naught of your offense in carrying off thedaughter of the man you slew."

  Without a word Ptylus rushed upon Jethro with his sword, thinking tomake short work of this insolent peasant; but as he did so, Jethrowhirled his massive club round his head, and catching the blow uponit, shivered the sword in pieces.

  Ptylus stopped his arm, and, gazing steadily at his opponent, said:

  "Wretch, do you dare to murder the high priest of Osiris?"

  "No," Jethro said, "but I dare to execute him," and he brought hisheavy club down with all his strength upon the head of the priest.

  At this moment Plexo, who had stolen unobserved from the room theinstant the others entered, returned, followed by three armed men.Chebron and Amuba were so intent upon the combat between Jethro andthe priest that they did not notice the entrance of Plexo, who, withuplifted knife, sprang upon Chebron.

  There was a scream of warning, and quick as thought Ruth sprangforward and pushed Plexo as he sprang through the air. The suddenshock threw both to the ground. Ruth sprang to her feet again, butPlexo lay there motionless. The three armed men stood for a momentstupefied at the fall of their two employers, and then, seeing two menand a woman, rushed forward to attack them. One sweeping blow withJethro's staff felled the first of his assailants to the ground; theothers paused irresolute.

  "Drop your weapons, or you are dead men!" Jethro exclaimed. "You areoutnumbered; and if you move, you die!"

  As Chebron had now thrown back his female robe and drawn his dagger,and taken his place at the door, while Jethro and Amuba were advancingagainst them, the two men dropped their weapons.

  "Hold out your hands," Jethro said. "My son, stand over them with yourclub, and break the skull of either who may move."

  The men did as they were ordered. Jethro tore strips of cloth offtheir garments, twisted them into ropes, and bound their wrists firmlytogether. The meaning tone in which Jethro had called Amuba his sonhad not escaped
either Amuba or Chebron, who saw that Jethro wasdesirous of concealing their names. Mysa, who had raised a cry of joywhen Jethro first spoke, had sunk terrified upon a couch, and hadhidden her face in her hands during the short encounter; while Ruthhad stood silent and vigilant beside her, moving only when Plexorushed at Chebron, and retiring to Mysa's side again as soon as shehad regained her feet. She, too, understood Jethro's motives incalling Amuba his son, and stooping over Mysa she said:

  "It is all over now, Mysa, but remain quiet at present. Do not speakuntil you see what is going to be done."

  As soon as the men were tied Jethro secured in the same manner the manwho was lying stunned from his blow. Then he turned to Plexo, who hadnot moved since he had fallen. He half turned him round, and uttered alow exclamation of surprise.

  "Gastrion," he said to Chebron, "go with the young lady into thegarden, and remain there until we join you."

  Chebron passed out on to the colonnade, following Mysa and Ruth. Themoment they were unobserved Mysa threw her arms round him, and burstinto tears with joy.

  "Oh, Chebron!" she exclaimed, "you have arrived just in time. Ithought we were never going to get away from that dreadful man; and Idon't know what I should have done if it hadn't been for Ruth. And,oh! they have been telling me such terrible things--but they can't betrue--that our dear father had been killed; and that it was you,Chebron, who killed dear Paucis; but of course I did not believethem--I knew it was all their wickedness."

  "Never mind about that, dear," Chebron said; "we will talk about allthis afterward. The first thing is to get you away from this place.Jethro and Amuba will soon decide what is best to be done. Are thereany others in the house?"

  "There is one other man," Ruth replied, "and an old woman; I think theother man is at the door with the chariot."

  "I had better tell Jethro," Chebron said, and he again went into theroom and told Jethro what he had heard.

  "We will seize the woman first," Jethro said, "and then go out roundthe house and come down from the other way upon the chariot. The manwill have heard the outcry; and if we came suddenly out of the door,might leap into the chariot and drive off before we could overtakehim. But if we come upon it from behind we shall secure him."

  "But you have forgotten to bind Plexo," Chebron said.

  "Plexo is dead," Jethro replied. "As he fell his arm was beneath him,and the knife with which he had intended to strike you pierced hisheart. I am very glad that you observed the way I spoke to Amuba. Itwas of the greatest importance that the name should not be mentioned.This affair will cause a tremendous excitement. There is nothing toconnect us with Ptylus, and it may be supposed that it is the work ofsome malefactors who came down from the hills in search of plunder.The fact that Mysa was here and was carried away is not in itself anyproof that we had a hand in it, for Libyan robbers might well havecarried her and Ruth away to make slaves of. Plexo caught but aglimpse of us, and doubtless only rushed out and called to the men tocome to his father's assistance. At any rate, let there be no namesmentioned. Now let us finish our work here."

  The female servant was soon found and bound; then the four prisonerswere placed in different rooms, and fastened securely to the wall orpillars.

  "Never put two prisoners together," Jethro said; "always rememberthat. Tie one man up and you may keep him; tie up two and they aresure to escape. They can bite through each other's cords, or untie theknot with their teeth, or possibly even with their fingers."

  "Now, what is the next thing to do?" Amuba asked.

  "The next thing is to have a consultation. Do you, Chebron, go outinto the garden to the girls. Amuba and I will deal with the otherman."

  As soon as Jethro and Amuba had left him Chebron rejoined the girls.

  "You saved my life, Ruth. I shall never forget it."

  "You saved me from the crocodile, my lord. It was but a push and hefell. I scarce know how it was done."

  "Your quickness saved my life all the same, Ruth. I had not noticedhim till you cried out, and then it would have been too late. We havebeen anxious for you also, Ruth. We hoped that you might be with Mysa,but none saw you go out with her."

  "My place was with my mistress," Ruth said quietly. "And she was morethan a mistress--she was as a friend to me."

  "But how came you here, Chebron," Mysa again asked, "and why are youdressed up like a peasant woman? It is not seemly in any man, muchless in you, a priest. And Amuba and Jethro, too; they are dressed aspeasants, and their faces seem changed, I do not know how. They lookdarker, and I should not have known them had I not recognized Jethro'svoice."

  "It is a long story, dear, and I will tell you all presently; and wewant to hear your story too. Ah! here come the others. It is to them,Mysa, far more than to me that you owe your rescue. I may know more ofthe learning of our people, but I have none of the readiness andcoolness of Amuba, while Jethro is as prudent as he is brave. It wouldhave fared hardly with me as well as with you, Mysa, had it not beenfor these good friends."

  Mysa went up to them as they approached.

  "Oh, Jethro! I feel how much I owe to you; and to you, Amuba. Mycourage had all but given way, although Ruth strove so hard to give mehope, and I fear I could not have long withstood the threats of thatbad man. You cannot tell what joy I felt when I recognized yourvoice."

  "Our joy was as great in finding you as yours in seeing us," Jethroreplied. "Amuba and I would gladly have laid down our lives for you.And now let us have a consultation; there is much to decide upon andarrange. Let us go round to the garden at the other side of the house.There we can sit and talk, and at the same time keep watch that no oneelse enters. It is not likely that any one will do so, for the placeis secluded, and none would know that these men were here; still apeasant might enter to sell fowls or fruit, therefore it were best tokeep an eye upon the entrance."

  They went round to some seats placed beneath trees on the other sideof the house. A fountain worked by the water of a little rill on thehillside played in front of them, and a few tame waterfowl swam in ashallow basin around it. Everything was still and peaceful, and toChebron it seemed as if the events of the last three weeks had been ahideous dream, and that they were again sitting in the garden of theirhouse at Thebes.

  "Now, first of all," Mysa said, "I must have my questions answered.How are my father and mother and everyone?"

  Jethro took Amuba's arm and turned away.

  "We will leave you, Chebron, to tell Mysa what has taken place. Itwill be better for you to do so alone."

  Ruth rose from her seat to leave also, but Mysa put her hand on herarm.

  "I am frightened, Ruth; stay with me."

  "You told me, Mysa," Chebron began, "that they had told you tales thatour father was dead, and that it was I who killed Paucis."

  "Yes; but I did not believe them, Chebron. Of course I did not for amoment--at least not for a moment about you. But when I thought ofthose bad men at the gate, and the crash we heard, and the noise ofthe people rushing in shouting, I thought--I was afraid--that perhapsit might be true about our father. But, oh, Chebron, surely it is notso?"

  "Alas! Mysa, it is true! They cruelly slew our father. I wish I hadbeen there to have fallen by his side; but you know Amuba and I wereaway. Jethro fought desperately to the last, and would have died withhim had not our father himself commanded that in case anythinghappened to him he was to take charge of me, and to carry me out ofthe land."

  Mysa was crying bitterly now. Presently she looked up.

  "But why should you want to leave the land, Chebron? Surely--surely itis not true that you----"

  The thing seemed too terrible for her to put into words.

  "That I killed poor Paucis? That is true also, Mysa."

  Mysa gave a little cry of horror.

  "Oh, Ruth!" she cried, "this is too dreadful!"

  Ruth put her arms round the sobbing girl. "You may be sure, Mysa, thatyour brother did not do it intentionally."

  "But it is all the same," Mysa cried. "I
t was the sacred cat, youknow--the Cat of Bubastes."

  "It was, Mysa; and I thought at first, as you did, that although itwas the result of an accident the anger of the gods would be pouredout against me, that I was as one accursed, whose life was forfeitedin this world, and whose spirit was destined to dwell in uncleanbeasts after death. But when I told my father all, he reassured me,and told me not to fear in any way the wrath of the gods."

  He then related to his sister the manner in which the cat had beenkilled, the steps he and Amuba had taken to conceal the body, and hisavowal to his father of his fault.

  "I see it was not your fault, Chebron. But you know the laws of Egypt,and the punishment for killing even a common cat. How could our fathersay that the gods would not be angry?"

  "I cannot tell you all he said, Mysa; though some day had I remainedwith you I might have done so. But he did say so, and you know howwise and good he was. Therefore I want you to remember what he said,so that when I am gone you will not all your life think of me as oneaccursed."

  "Oh! I should never do that!" Mysa exclaimed, starting up and throwingher arms round her brother's neck. "How could you think so? But whyare you talking about going, and where are you going?"

  "I am going, Mysa, because the people of Egypt do not view this matterin the same light as my father, but are hunting all the land to findand slay me and Amuba; for, not knowing the exact truth, they put usdown as equally guilty. So we must fly. Our father gave fulldirections to Jethro, and we should by this time have been a longdistance away had it not been that we stayed to find and rescue you."

  "Then if the other things they told me are true, Chebron, it may betrue too that the letter they showed me ordering me to consent tomarry Plexo was from my mother. How could she tell me that when sheknew that I hated him, and she has over and over again spokenscornfully of his family before me?"

  "What did she say?" Chebron asked.

  "She said that now disgrace had fallen on the family I might thinkmyself very fortunate in obtaining such an offer."

  Chebron was silent. He knew that his mother had never shown anyearnest love either for Mysa or himself, that her thoughts wereentirely devoted to dress and entertainments, and that any love shehad to give had been bestowed upon his brother.

  "I fear it is true, Mysa."

  "But I will never marry Plexo!" Mysa exclaimed passionately. "Myfather always said I should never marry a man I disliked."

  "You will never marry Plexo, Mysa--he is dead."

  Ruth uttered an exclamation.

  "He died by his own hand, Ruth--that is, by an accident. As he fellhis dagger pierced his own heart, and when Jethro went to look at himhe was dead."

  "The Lord requited him for his evil," Ruth said firmly. "All thingsare in his hands. As I did not mean to slay him, I lament not overhis death. Besides, he strove to take your life, and had I had adagger in my hand I should assuredly have used it."

  "Then what is to become of me?" Mysa asked.

  "You must go back to your mother, Mysa. There is naught else for youto do."

  "I will not!" Mysa exclaimed. "She never loved me. She would havemarried me against my will to Plexo, although she knew he was bad, andthat I hated him. She would make me marry some one else who was rich,regardless of my wishes. No, Chebron, nothing shall make me go back toher."

  Chebron looked perplexed.

  "Here come Jethro and Amuba, dear. You had best talk it over withthem. I see nothing else for you to do."

  As Jethro came up Mysa walked to meet him.

  "I will not go back to my mother, Jethro!" she exclaimed impetuously."She wanted me to marry Plexo. She would give me to some one else, andmy father always said I should only marry some one I liked. You cannever be so cruel as to give me up to her?"

  "I know that your father's wishes were strong upon that point," Jethrosaid; "for he spoke to me of you when he gave me his commandsrespecting Chebron. He said that he wished that I could watch over youas over him, and it was because of what he had said that I disregardedhis orders as to our instant flight, and lingered here in hopes offreeing you. Still I see not anything else to be done. Your motherdoubtless wrote while still overpowered by grief at your father'sloss, and thought that she was acting for your welfare in securing youan advantageous marriage in spite of the cloud under which your familywas resting."

  "I will not go to her!" Mysa repeated. "She thought of herself, asshe always did, and not of me in any way. You know it was so,Chebron--you cannot deny it!"

  Chebron was silent. His whole affection had been given to his father,for his mother he had comparatively little. As a child he had seldombeen allowed to come into the room where she was. She declared thathis noise was too much for her, that his talk made her head ache, andthat his fidgeting about was too much to be borne. Nor since that timehad he been much more with her. It was his father who had seen to hiswelfare and that of Mysa, who would put aside his grave studies towalk and talk with them, who was always indulgent, always anxious togive them pleasure. He therefore thoroughly entered into Mysa'sfeelings, but saw no possible alternative for her.

  "But where could you go, Mysa?" Jethro asked. "Where could you beplaced? Wherever you were your mother in time would be sure to hear ofit and would reclaim you."

  "I shall go with Chebron, and you, and Amuba," Mysa said positively.

  "Impossible!" Jethro replied. "We are going upon a tremendous journey,full of danger and fatigue. We are going among unknown and savagepeoples; the chances are a hundred to one against our ever arriving atthe end of our journey. If this is so to myself and to young men likeChebron and Amuba--for they are now past eighteen, and will speedilybe men--what chance would there be of success with you with us?"

  "I can walk as well as Chebron," Mysa said. "You know that, Chebron.And I suppose I could suffer hardship just as well. At any rate, Iwould rather suffer anything and be with him and all of you than stophere. The people have murdered my father. My mother would sell me tothe highest bidder. If the chances are so great that you will neverget through your journey in safety, my being with you cannot make themso much greater. I have only Chebron in the world, and I will go wherehe goes and die where he dies. The gods can protect me just as well ona journey as here. Have they not protected you now, and Chebron too,by what he says? You will take me with you, dear Jethro, won't you?"she urged pleadingly. "You say my father wished you to watch over me;do not forsake me now. Ruth will come with us too--will you not,Ruth?--I am sure she will not be more afraid of the journey than Iam."

  "I will assuredly go if you go, Mysa. The God of Israel can take ussafely through all dangers if it be his will."

  Jethro was silent. Such an addition to his charge would assuredly addimmensely to the difficulties of the journey; but on the other hand heremembered the anxiety of Ameres about Mysa, and he asked himself whathis late master would have wished had he known how matters stood. Heglanced at Amuba and Chebron and saw at once that their wishes agreedwith those of Mysa. He turned away abruptly, and for some minutespaced up and down the garden. Then he returned to the group, amongwhom not a word had been exchanged since he left them.

  "Mysa," he said gravely, "this is a great thing that you ask; there isno disguising that your presence will add greatly to our difficulties,will add also to our perils, and may render it impossible for me tocarry out your father's wishes and to conduct Chebron to a land wherehe will be beyond the persecution of Egypt. Such an enterprise must beundertaken in no light spirit. If you go you must be prepared to facedeath in all forms--by hunger and thirst and the weapons of the wildnatives. It may even be that your lot may be that of slavery amongthem. It is a terrible journey for men, more terrible still for women;still, if you are resolved, resolved with the strength and mind of awoman and not of a child, that after having once turned your back uponEgypt you will never repent the step you have taken or wish to return,but will be steadfast under all the trials that may befall us, then Isay that you shall share our lot."

a uttered an exclamation of joy.

  "I promise, Jethro; and whatever may happen--hardship, danger, ordeath--you shall never hear a word of complaint from me. Are you notglad, Ruth?"

  "I think it well," Ruth said gravely. "It is a great undertaking; butI think that God's hand is in it. I, too, would fain leave this landof idols; and except those here I have none in the world to care for."

  "And now, Jethro," Amuba said, "what had we best do? It is alreadyalmost dark, therefore we could set out at once. Could we make use ofthe chariot?"

  Jethro considered for a short time.

  "Except for carrying any things we may want for our first start, I donot see that we can do so," he said; "for where we leave the chariotto-morrow morning it would be found, and when it is known that Ptylus'chariot was missing it would soon be recognized as his, and thus aclue be afforded to the fact that we had fled south. As to travelingin it beyond to-night, it would be out of the question. Besides, itwill only hold three at the most. No, if we use it at all it must beto drive north, and so throw them off the scent. I think it will beworth doing that."

  "I will undertake that part of the business," Amuba said. "There willbe much for you to do to-morrow, Jethro, which only you can arrange.There's the boat to be hired, stores laid in, and all got inreadiness. I think the best plan will be for you both to start at oncewith the girls for Thebes. You and Chebron can occupy yourhiding-place on the hill, and Chigron will be glad to take the girlsinto his house. There is no danger of an immediate search being madefor them.

  "To-night when the priest and his son do not return their servantswill suppose that they have slept here. It will not be until lateto-morrow afternoon that there will be any alarm or any likelihood ofa messenger being sent over here; then the consternation and confusionthat will be caused will be so great that probably no one will thinkof carrying the news to the officials until the next morning. Besides,until the story of Mysa's having been here and of her being missing isgenerally known, there is no reason that what has taken place shouldbe attributed to us; therefore, for the next forty-eight hours I thinkthat they would be perfectly safe at the embalmer's. I will drive thechariot thirty or forty miles north, then turn the horses loose wherethey are sure to be noticed ere long, and will return on foot and joinyou in your hiding-place to-morrow night."

  "I think your plan is a very good one, Amuba. Before we start I willmake a search through the house. There will be nothing we want to takewith us, nor would we touch any of the treasure of the villains werethe house full of it; but if I toss some of the things about it willlook as if robbery had been the motive of what has taken place. Themen in bonds can know nothing of the real state of things. Plexo, whenhe rushed out for their aid, could have had no time to do more thanto tell them to take up their arms and follow him; indeed, it isdoubtful whether he himself had any idea that we were aught but whatwe seemed. Therefore, the first impression assuredly will be that wewere malefactors of the worst kind, escaped slaves, men with norespect for the gods; for assuredly no Egyptians, even the worst ofcriminals, would, in cold blood, have laid hands on the high priest ofOsiris."

  "They laid hands on my father," Chebron said bitterly.

  "Yes, but not in cold blood. Reports had first been spread among themthat he was untrue to the gods, and then they were maddened byfanaticism and horror at the death of that sacred cat. But in coldblood, as I said, no Egyptian, however vile and criminal, would lifthis hand against a priest. You may as well come with me, Amuba; itwould be strange if one of us only took part in the search."

  In ten minutes Jethro and Amuba had turned the place into confusion inforcing open chests and cabinets and littering the floor withgarments; then taking a few of the most valuable vases and jewels theythrew them into the pond round the fountain, where they would beconcealed from view by the water-lilies which floated on its surface.

  They examined afresh the fastenings of the captives, and felt assuredthat by no possibility could they free themselves.

  "They will be sure to be freed by to-morrow night," Amuba said,"otherwise I should not like to leave them here to die of hunger andthirst."

  "I should be only too glad," Jethro said, "if I thought there was achance of their being here forty hours instead of twenty. Doubtlessthis is not the first evil business they have carried out for theirvillain master, and they may think themselves lucky indeed that we donot take what would be in every way the safest and best course,namely, to run a sword through their bodies and silence them forever.If I thought they could tell anything I would do so now; but I reallydo not think that anything they can tell will add to our danger. Ofcourse the priest's wife knows that Mysa is hidden here, and willproclaim the fact that she has been here and is now missing, as shewould consider it might afford a clew for the apprehension of thosewho attacked the house and slew her husband and son; therefore I donot see that there would be much to be gained by silencing thesepeople; but if you think differently I will finish them at once."

  Amuba shook his head, for although human life in those days wasthought little of, save by the Egyptians themselves, he shrank fromthe thought of slaying captives in cold blood.

  "No, they can tell nothing, Jethro. You had best be moving; there isnothing more to talk over. I think all our plans were arranged longago; except, of course, that you must get rather a larger boat thanyou had intended, together with garments for the girls. I think itwould be best that Chebron should still be disguised as a woman; butwe can settle that to-morrow night. There is a good store of dressesfor us to choose from at Chigron's."

  Amuba led the horses to a stone water trough and allowed them toquench their thirst. Then he mounted the chariot and drove off, whilethe rest of the party set out on foot for Thebes. It was so latebefore they reached Chigron's house that they thought it better not toarouse the inmates, as comment would be excited by the arrival ofwomen at so late an hour and unexpected by the master; the girls,therefore, passed the night in the rock chamber behind the building,while Jethro and Chebron lay down outside.

  As soon as dawn broke they moved some distance away. Jethro went tothe house as soon as there was a sign that there was any one astir,and told Chigron that they had discovered and rescued Mysa. Chigronwas much disturbed when he heard of the death of the high priest andhis son.

  "I don't say these men were not villains, Jethro; but that two highpriests should be slaughtered in the course of a month is enough tobring the anger of all the gods upon Egypt. However, the poor girlsare not responsible for it in any way, and I will willingly shelterthem, especially as it is but for one night; but I own that I shall bevastly relieved when I know that you are all fairly on your journey."

  "That I can well understand," Jethro said; "and believe me, thegratitude of those you have sheltered, which you will have as long asthey live, may well outweigh any doubts that may present themselves asto whether you have acted wisely in aiding those who are victims tothe superstitions of your countrymen."

  Chigron called his servants and told them that he had just heard ofthe arrival from the country of some friends, and ordered a room to beprepared for them. He then went out and returned an hour later withthe two girls. He led them quietly into the house and direct to theapartment prepared for them, so that they were unseen by any of theservants.

  Then he called an old servant on whose fidelity he could rely, andcharged her to wait upon them during the day, and to suffer none otherto enter the apartment. He bade her convey the impression to the otherservants that the visitors were aged women, and to mention that theyintended to make a stay of a few hours only, until some friends withwhom they were going to stay should send in a cart to carry them totheir house in the country. The old woman at once prepared baths forthe girls and then supplied them with a meal, after which they laydown on couches and were soon fast asleep; for the excitement of thepreceding evening and the strangeness of their position in thecomfortless stone chamber had prevented their closing an eye duringthe night, and they had spent the hours
in talking over the terribleloss Mysa had sustained, and the journey that lay before them.

  Half an hour later Chigron went out again and was soon joined byJethro, who had now resumed his attire as a citizen of middle class.It was necessary that Chigron should accompany him and take the chiefpart in making the arrangements; for although Jethro had learned, inhis two years' captivity, to speak Egyptian fluently, he could notwell pass as a native. Chigron therefore did most of the bargaining,Jethro keeping somewhat in the background.

  They first took their course down to the river bank. Here innumerablecraft lay moored; for the Nile was the highway of Egypt, and exceptfor short journeys all traffic was carried on on its waters. As soonas it was known that they were looking for a boat they were surroundedby the owners of the various craft, each praising the speed, safety,and comfort of his boat. Chigron, however, was some time before hemade his choice; then he fixed upon a boat that seemed well suited forthe purpose. She carried a mast and large sail to take advantage offavorable winds. She was light and of very small draught, and, beingconstructed entirely for passenger traffic, she had a largecabin--divided into two parts for the accommodation of ladies--thecrew, consisting of the captain and four men, sleeping on the deck.

  "I think your boat will do very well," he said to the captain,"provided we can come to terms. My friend is going up with his familyas far as Syene at any rate, and possibly on to Ibsciak; his businessmay take him even further. What will be your terms a week?"

  "I suppose my lord will provide food for the crew as well as for hisown family?"

  "That will be the best way," Jethro said.

  "Then will he pay for extra hands where the current runs so strongthat the crew cannot tow the boat unaided against it?"

  Jethro assented.

  "And will he return with it, or remain for awhile at the end of hisjourney?"

  "It is probable that his business may detain him there for aconsiderable time," Chigron replied. "He has relations there with whomhe will wish to make a stay. But this should make no difference; youwill have no difficulty in obtaining passengers or freight for yourjourney down."

  It was a long time before a bargain was struck, for Chigron knew thatthe boatman would consider it strange indeed were the terms he firstasked to be accepted. But at last an arrangement satisfactory to bothparties was concluded. It was arranged that the start should takeplace early on the following morning, and Chigron then proceeded withJethro to make the purchases requisite for the voyage--mats, cushions,and curtains for furnishing the boat, cooking utensils and provisionsfor the crew and passengers. Of these, however, it was not necessaryto take a very large quantity, as the boat would lie up to the bankevery night near one of the frequent villages, and here there would beno difficulty in purchasing provisions of all kinds.

  Some jars of good wine were, however, among the stores purchased, andin addition to these were several bales of costly merchandise and alarge stock of such articles as would be useful for trade with thenatives of the wilder parts of the country. A supply of arms--bows,arrows, and lances--was also placed on board. It was late in theafternoon before all these things were got on board the boat andeverything arranged in order. Having seen all complete, Chigronreturned with Jethro to his house. Jethro, after seeing the girls, whohad just woke up and partaken of a meal, went up to the hiding-placeon the hill and found that Amuba had just joined Chebron there.

  "Is all going on well?" the lads asked as he entered.

  "Everything is in readiness. The boat is hired and furnished. I have agood store of merchandise for trading in Meroe, besides trinkets ofmany kinds for the peoples lying between Meroe and the Red Sea. So fareverything promises well. The boatmen belong to the Upper Nile, andtheir dialect differs too widely from that spoken here for them to beable to distinguish that I do not talk pure Egyptian. I wondered whyit was that Chigron was such a long time in making his choice betweenthe boats, when, as far as I could see, there were scores that wouldhave equally suited our purpose. But I found afterward that it was theboatmen rather than the boat which he was selecting, and that he chosethose coming from far up the river, partly because their speechdiffered so widely from that of Thebes that they would not detect theroughness of my tongue; and secondly, because they would be morelikely to continue the voyage further to the south than would theboatmen of this port, who would regard it as a serious undertaking toproceed beyond Ibsciak. Therefore we need fear no suspicion on thepart of our boatmen. I suppose you disposed of the chariot as wearranged, Amuba?"

  "Yes, I drove north for five hours and then turned aside into a wood.Here I loosed the horses so that they could feed as they chose. Theywould doubtless by morning stray into the fields, and so attractattention. Then there would be a search to see to whom they belonged,and the chariot would be found. By the time that the news spreads thatPtylus is dead, and also that his chariot and horses are missing, andhave doubtless been taken off by those who had attacked him, thetidings that the chariot is found will have been taken to the nearesttown, and it will shortly be reported all over the country that we aremaking north, and the search for us will be made in that directiononly."

  "Are you going back to the house, Jethro?"

  "Yes. Chigron has given out to his servants that the visitors arerelatives of mine, and as I have been frequently seen going in and outin this garb they are now accustomed to me; and it will be natural forme to sleep there to-night and to start with them in the morning. Weshall start exactly at sunrise. You had better wait at a distance fromthe house and follow us, coming up and joining us just as we reach theriver side. The boat will be taken above the city to the higheststeps; and we shall be able to proceed to that point without enteringthe town itself. Be careful with your disguises. The news of the deathof Ptylus will not, I hope, be generally known in the city until weare fairly afloat. Were it otherwise it would be dangerous for you torun the risk of being seen abroad."


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