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The Young Colonists: A Story of the Zulu and Boer Wars Page 18
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Page 18
seven miles, andthen halted in an isolated kraal in a valley. A worse spot could nothave been selected for a halt, as it was surrounded by long grass, sixor seven feet high; here the saddles were taken off the horses, andcoffee was prepared. Without any search being made they sat down tomake coffee, although it was clear, from the burnt embers, bones, andother _debris_, that the place had been but recently occupied.
The Zulu was the first to see the enemy in the long grass, and thehorses were at once saddled. The escort stood ready by them, and justas the prince gave the word, "Prepare to mount," the Zulus' war-cryburst out, and some guns were fired from the grass.
The horses started at the outburst, and some broke away. Never were abody of troops in an enemy's country so unprepared for the attack. Nota carbine was loaded! not a sentry placed! Each of the troopers,including the officer, was seized with a wild panic, and thought only offlight,--one indeed had fallen at the first shot. The prince's horsewas ill-tempered and badly broken, and, frightened by the firing andyells, he was so restive that the prince was unable to mount. Had oneof those men stood for an instant at his head the prince might havegained his saddle, but all had galloped away, leaving him alone.Running by his horse, he in vain endeavoured to mount; he had not hadtime to tighten the girth, the saddle slipped round, and the horsegalloped away. Unfortunately the prince's revolvers were in theholsters, so he was unarmed, save with his sword, and with this he stoodbravely at bay, and died nobly facing his foes, who pierced him withassegais at a distance.
According to Zulu accounts afterwards obtained, there were but five orsix men engaged in the attack, and had the Englishmen accompanying theprince, nay even had one of them, possessed but the smallest amount ofpresence of mind and courage, the Prince Imperial might have been saved.There is no blacker page in the annals of English military history.
The feeling of indignation, shame, and regret in the English camp, whenthis shameful episode was known, was indescribable. Of all the partythe friendly Zulu was the only one who came out with honour; he had gonetowards the river to fetch water when he discovered the enemy, and mighthave instantly taken flight. He returned, however, and gave warningthat the Zulus were lurking round. Even then it does not appear that heattempted to fly, but fought the foe until overcome by numbers. Hisbody was afterwards discovered not far from that of the prince, riddledwith wounds, together with a number of his own assegais broken, butstained with the blood of his assailants.
The next morning the cavalry rode out to find and bring in the prince'sbody. When it was discovered, it was tenderly brought into camp. Itwas afterwards taken over to England, and laid by the remains of hisfather at Chislehurst. A court-martial was held on Lieutenant Carey.The sentence was kept secret, but it was generally understood that hewas dismissed from the service with ignominy. He was sent home underarrest, but on his arrival there the proceedings of the court-martialwere declared null and void on account of some technical irregularity,and he was ordered to resume his duties. It was reported that thisextraordinary leniency was shown by the special desire of the Empress,who made a personal request to the Queen that nothing should be done inthe matter.
Early in June some messengers arrived in Lord Chelmsford's camp fromCetewayo. Lord Chelmsford told them that before any negotiations couldbe entered into, the whole of the spoil taken at Isandula, especiallythe two captured 7-pounder guns, must be restored.
Considerable delays now took place, and for three weeks a force ofEnglishmen sufficient to march through and through Zululand in everydirection was kept doing nothing at a distance of three days' march fromthe enemy's capital. So extraordinary and unaccountable was the delaythat the English government appointed Sir Garnet Wolseley to go out tosupersede Lord Chelmsford. Upon the receipt of this news preparationsfor an advance were at last made. On the 21st General Newdigate'scolumn reached the right bank of the Umlatoosi. General Crealock, whocommanded the division which was operating by the sea, also movedforward about this time, but met with such difficulties, owing to thesickness which attacked his transport-train, that he was unable toco-operate with the first division, although his force did service byoccupying a large number of the enemy, who would otherwise have beenfree to act against the main column.
Between the 24th and 26th General Newdigate's and Wood's columnsadvanced but six miles. But Buller with his horse scouted ahead, andcut up a number of Zulus who were engaged in burning the grass, tohinder the advance of the horses and cattle. On the 26th ColonelDrury-Lowe, with the light cavalry, 450 of Buller's men and two guns,went out and attacked and burnt five large military kraals. On the 27ththe column advanced five miles towards Ulundi, leaving their tentsbehind them, and taking only 200 ammunition-waggons and ten days'rations; 500 infantry were left to guard the stores.
On the afternoon of that day some messengers came in from Cetewayo,bringing 150 of the cattle captured at Isandula, together with a pair ofelephant's tusks, and a letter written in English by a trader capturedat Isandula. The letter said that the king could not comply with allLord Chelmsford's commands, as the arms taken from us at Isandula werenot brought to him, and that it was beyond his power as a king to orderor compel any of his regiments to lay down their arms. He said thecannons should be sent in, and on the receipt of the cattle and theseweapons the English must retire from Zululand. The trader had writtenin a corner of the letter, in pencil, a few words of warning, and anintimation that Cetewayo had with him at Ulundi a picked force of 20,000men.
Lord Chelmsford refused to receive the tusks, and told the messengers toinform Cetewayo, that before he should think of retiring, all theconditions must be complied with, and the Zulu regiments lay down theirarms. Late in the evening several large bodies of the enemy, amountingto some thousands, were noticed moving from the direction of Ulundi,passing by their left flank.
The next morning General Wood moved forward as far as the left bank ofthe White Umvolosi, and Newdigate's column followed in the afternoon.Wood's division bivouacked on the farther side of the river, Newdigate'shalted on the right. The most vigilant watch was kept, with pickets inevery direction, and patrols of cavalry beyond these.
At daybreak on the 27th the main body crossed the river, and joined Woodon the left bank. They were now but fifteen miles from Ulundi, and theking's five kraals were visible to the naked eye. Three days were givento Cetewayo to comply with the conditions, but the original terms werealtered so far, that Lord Chelmsford consented to receive 1000 capturedrifles instead of insisting upon the regiments laying down their arms.While waiting, the army remained on the Umvolosi, having retired to theright side, pending the decision of peace or war.
During these three days the Zulus had made many hostile demonstrationsagainst us. On the first and second they kept up a scattered fire atdistant ranges at our men, and on the third, growing bolder, pushedtheir skirmishers down to the rocks on the opposite side of the river,and fired upon the men, as they were watering their horses in thestream. One horse was killed and several men wounded.
Buller therefore asked and obtained permission to make a raid on theother side. A couple of guns were brought into requisition to defendhis crossing, and two or three rounds of shrapnel sent a crowd of Zulus,who had approached the opposite heights, straggling in all directions.Buller's horse, the mounted infantry, and Baker's horse dashed over theriver at once. At full speed they raced across the country; Baker'smen, guided by their leader, inclined to the left front, by Buller'sorders, to carry and hold a hillock which commanded the ford.
Colonel Raaff, with a portion of Buller's horse, was halted near thekraal of Unodwingo to act as a reserve, and Buller, with 100 of his bestmounted men, pushed on with the intention of exploring the ground as faras possible towards Ulundi. He knew that the bulk of the king's armywas away upon Lord Chelmsford's right flank, and thought therefore thathe might push on to Ulundi without opposition. The country consisted ofa plain, across which ran some stony undulations, and at one point weretwo hollows, united a
t a right angle. The Zulu general disposed his menin shelter, and as Buller with his little band of horsemen rode up theyrose and poured a very heavy fire into the ranks of the horsemen.Sudden and unexpected as was this attack, Buller's men were too wellused to native fighting to evince the slightest confusion. In the mostperfect order they began to fall back in alternate ranks, keeping up asteady fire upon the enemy, who were eagerly advancing. Raaff and hismen rode up to the assistance of the hotly-pressed party, and Baker'shorse, upon their hillock, opened a steady fire upon the Zulus.Gradually and steadily the cavalry fell back towards the river, the twoguns on the opposite bank aiding them by their fire of grape andshrapnel upon the Zulus, who pressed forward with extreme bravery.
Many gallant deeds were done. Lord William Beresford, who hadaccompanied the party as a volunteer, distinguished himself by