The Cat of Bubastes: A Tale of Ancient Egypt Read online

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  The river had begun to rise before they left Thebes, and although ithad not yet reached its highest point, a great volume of water waspouring down; and the boatmen assured Jethro that they would be ableto ascend the cataract without difficulty, whereas when the Nile waslow there was often great danger in passing, and at times indeed noboats could make the passage. Ten men were engaged in addition to thecrew to take the boats up beyond the rapids.

  But although assured that there was no danger, the girls declared thatthey would rather walk along the bank, for the hurry and rush of themighty flood, rising sometimes in short angry waves, were certainlytrying to the nerves. Jethro and the lads of course accompanied them,and sometimes seized the rope and added their weight when the force ofthe stream brought the men towing to a standstill and seemed as if itwould, in spite of their efforts, tear the boat from their grasp. Atlast the top of the rapids was gained, and they were glad to taketheir places again in the boat as she floated on the quiet water. So amonth passed--sometimes taken along by favorable winds, at othersbeing towed along quiet waters close to the shore, at others battlingwith the furious rapids. They found that the cataract they had firstpassed was as nothing to those higher up. Here the whole cargo had tobe unloaded and carried up to the top of the rapids, and it neededsome forty men to drag the empty boat through the turmoil of waters,while often the slightest error on the part of the helmsman would havecaused the boat to be dashed to pieces on the great rocks rising inthe midst of the channel. But before arriving at the second cataractthey had tarried for several days at Ibsciak, the city to which theircrew belonged.

  They had passed many temples and towns during the hundred and eightymiles of journey between Syene and this place, but this was thelargest of them. Here two great grotto temples were in course ofconstruction, the one dedicated to the gods Amun and Phre, and builtat the expense of Rameses himself, the other dedicated to Athor byLofreai, the queen. On these temples were engraved the records of thevictories of Rameses over various nations of Africa and Asia.

  Jethro offered, if the boatmen wished to make a longer stay here, thathe would charter another boat to take them further; but they declaredtheir willingness to proceed at the end of a week after their arrival,being well satisfied with their engagement and treatment. Afterpassing the second cataract they arrived at another large town namedBehni.[B] This was a very large city and abounded with temples andpublic buildings. The largest temple was dedicated to Thoth. All alongthe river a belt of cultivated land extended for some miles back fromthe bank. This was dotted with numerous villages, and there was nodifficulty whatever in obtaining food of all kinds.

  [B] Now Wady-Halfa.

  At last they reached Semneh, the point to which the boatmen had agreedto take them. This was the furthest boundary to which at that time theEgyptian power extended. The river here took a great bend to theeast, then flowing south and afterward again west, forming a greatloop. This could be avoided by cutting across the desert to Merawe, aflourishing town which marked the northern limit of the power ofMeroe, the desert forming a convenient neutral ground between the twokingdoms. Sometimes Egypt under a powerful king carried her arms muchfurther to the south, at other times a warlike monarch of Meroe wouldpush back the Egyptian frontier almost to Syene; but as a rule theNile as far south as Semneh was regarded as belonging to Egypt.

  The traders arriving at Semneh generally waited until a sufficientnumber were gathered together to form a strong caravan for mutualprotection against the natives inhabiting the desert, who heldthemselves independent alike of Egypt and of Meroe, and attacked andplundered parties crossing the desert, unless these were so strong andwell armed as to be able to set them at defiance. Erecting two tentsand landing their goods and merchandise, Jethro and his party encampednear the river bank. They had not yet settled whether they would crossthe desert or continue their journey by water.

  The choice between the two routes was open to them; for although thetraders usually crossed the desert, taking with them their lighter andmore valuable merchandise, the heavier goods made the long detour inboats, going up in large flotillas, both for protection against thenatives and for mutual aid in ascending the rapids which had to beencountered. There was no difficulty in hiring another boat, for itwas the universal rule to make a transshipment here, as the Egyptianboatmen were unwilling to enter Meroe. The transport beyond thispoint, therefore, was in the hands of the people of this country.

  In consultation with the traders gathered at Semneh Jethro learnedthat it was by no means necessary to proceed up the river to the cityof Meroe[C] and thence eastward through Axoum, the capital ofAbyssinia, to the sea, but that a far shorter road existed from theeasternmost point of the bend of the river direct to the sea. Therewere, indeed, several large Egyptian towns upon the Red Sea, and fromthese a flourishing trade was carried on with Meroe and Abyssinia; andthe first merchant to whom Jethro spoke was much surprised to findthat he was in ignorance of the existence of the route he haddescribed.

  [C] Now Khartoum.

  The journey, although toilsome, was said to be no more so than thatfrom Meroe through Axoum, while the distance to be traversed was smallin comparison. After much consultation it was therefore agreed thatthe best plan was to dispose of the merchandise that they had broughtwith them to one of the traders about to proceed south, retainingonly sufficient for the payment of the men whom it would be necessaryto take with them for protection on their journey. Jethro had nodifficulty in doing this, alleging as his reason for parting with hisgoods that he found that the expenses to Meroe would greatly exceedthe sum he had calculated upon, and that therefore he had determinedto proceed no further. As they thought it best to allow six monthsfrom the date of their departure from Thebes to elapse before theyentered any large Egyptian town, they remained for nearly two monthsat Semneh, and then finding that a flotilla of boats was ready toascend the river, they made an arrangement with some boatmen for thehire of their craft to the point where they were to leave the riverand again set out on their journey.

  The difficulties of the journey were very great. After traveling forsome sixty miles they came to rapids more dangerous than any they hadpassed, and it took the flotilla more than a fortnight passing upthem, only four or five boats being taken up each day by the unitedlabors of the whole of the crews. There was great satisfaction whenthe last boat had been taken up the rapids, and there was a generalfeast that evening among the boatmen. During the whole time they hadbeen engaged in the passage a number of armed scouts had been placedupon the rocky eminences near the bank; for the place had an evilreputation, and attacks were frequently made by the desert tribesmenupon those passing up or down upon the river.

  So far no signs of the presence of hostile natives had been perceived.The usual precautions, however, had been taken; the cargoes had allbeen carried up by hand and deposited so as to form a breastwork, andas night closed in several sentries were placed to guard againstsurprise. It had been arranged that the men belonging to the boatseach day brought up should that night take sentinel duty; and thisevening Jethro, his companions and boatmen were among those on guard.Many of the boats had left Semneh before them, and they had been amongthe last to arrive at the foot of the cataracts, and consequently cameup in the last batch.

  As owners they had been exempt from the labors of dragging up theboats, and had spent much of their time during the enforced delay inhunting. They had obtained dogs and guides from the village at thefoot of the cataracts and had had good sport among the ibex whichabounded in the rocky hills. The girls had seldom left their cabinafter leaving Semneh. There was nothing remarkable in the presence ofwomen in a boat going so far up the river, as many of the traderstook their wives on their journeys with them. When, however, theyjourneyed beyond Semneh they left them there until their return, thedanger and hardships of the desert journey being too great for them toencounter, and it was therefore thought advisable that the girlsshould remain
in seclusion.

  Jethro, Amuba, and Chebron were standing together at one of the anglesof the encampment when the former suddenly exclaimed:

  "There are men or animals moving on that steep hill opposite! Ithought several times I heard the sound of stones being displaced. Icertainly heard them then." Then turning round he raised his voice: "Ican hear sounds on the hill. It were best that all stood to their armsand prepare to resist an attack."

  In an instant the sound of song and laughter ceased amid the groupsassembled round the fires and each man seized his arms. There was asharp ringing sound close to Jethro, and stooping he picked up anarrow which had fallen close to him.

  "It is an enemy!" he shouted. "Draw up close to the breastwork andprepare to receive them. Scatter the fires at once and extinguish theblazing brands. They can see us, while themselves invisible."

  As he spoke a loud and terrible yell rose from the hillside and ashower of arrows was poured into the encampment. Several men fell, butJethro's orders were carried out and the fires promptly extinguished.

  "Stoop down behind the breastwork," Jethro shouted, "until they arenear enough for you to take aim. Have your spears ready to check theironslaught when they charge."

  Although Jethro held no position entitling him to command, his orderswere as promptly obeyed as if he had been in authority. The menrecognized at once, by the calmness of his tones, that he wasaccustomed to warfare, and readily yielded to him obedience. In aminute or two a crowd of figures could be seen approaching, and theEgyptians, leaping to their feet, poured in a volley of arrows. Theyells and screams which broke forth testified to the execution wroughtin the ranks of the enemy, but without a check they still rushedforward. The Egyptians discharged their arrows as fast as they couldduring the few moments left them, and then, as the natives rushed atthe breastwork, they threw down their bows, and, grasping the spears,maces, swords, axes, or staves with which they were armed, boldly metthe foe.

  For a few minutes the contest was doubtful, but encouraged by theshouts of Jethro, whose voice could be heard above the yells of thenatives, the Egyptians defended their position with vigor and courage.As fast as the natives climbed over the low breastwork of merchandisethey were either speared or cut down, and after ten minutes' fiercefighting their attack ceased as suddenly as it had begun, and as if bymagic a dead silence succeeded the din of battle.

  "You have done well comrades," Jethro said, "and defeated ourassailants; but we had best stand to arms for awhile, for they mayreturn. I do not think they will, for they have found us stronger andbetter prepared for them than they had expected. Still, as we do notknow their ways, it were best to remain on our guard."

  An hour later, as nothing had been heard of the enemy, the fires wererelighted and the wounded attended to. Sixteen men had been shot deadby the arrows of the assailants and some fifty were more or lessseverely wounded by the same missiles, while eighteen had fallen inthe hand-to-hand contest at the breastwork. Thirty-seven natives werefound dead inside the breastwork. How many had fallen before thearrows of the defenders the latter never knew, for it was found in themorning that the natives had carried off their killed and wounded whofell outside the inclosure. As soon as the fighting was over Chebronran down to the boat to allay the fears of the girls and assure themthat none of their party had received a serious wound, Jethro alonehaving been hurt by a spear thrust, which, however, glanced off hisribs, inflicting only a flesh wound, which he treated as of noconsequence whatever.

  "Why did not Amuba come down with you?" Mysa asked. "Are you sure thathe escaped without injury?"

  "I can assure you that he has not been touched, Mysa; but we are stillon guard, for it is possible that the enemy may return again, althoughwe hope that the lesson has been sufficient for them."

  "Were you frightened, Chebron?"

  "I felt a little nervous as they were coming on, but when it came tohand-to-hand fighting I was too excited to think anything about thedanger. Besides, I was standing between Jethro and Amuba, and theyhave fought in great battles, and seemed so quiet and cool that Icould scarcely feel otherwise. Jethro took the command of everyone,and the rest obeyed him without question. But now I must go back to mypost. Jethro told me to slip away to tell you that we were all safe,but I should not like not to be in my place if they attack again."

  "I have often wondered, Ruth," Mysa said when Chebron had left them,"what we should have done if it had not been for Jethro and Amuba. Ifit had not been for them I should have been obliged to marry Plexo,and Chebron would have been caught and killed at Thebes. They arrangeeverything, and do not seem afraid in the slightest."

  "I think your brother is brave, too," Ruth said; "and they alwaysconsult with him about their plans."

  "Yes; but it is all their doing," Mysa replied. "Chebron, before theycame, thought of nothing but reading, and was gentle and quiet. Iheard one of the slaves say to another that he was more like a girlthan a boy; but being with Amuba has quite altered him. Of course, heis not as strong as Amuba, but he can walk and run and shoot an arrowand shoot a javelin at a mark almost as well as Amuba can; still hehas not so much spirit. I think Amuba always speaks decidedly, whileChebron hesitates to give an opinion."

  "But your brother has a great deal more learning than Amuba, and sohis opinion ought to be worth more, Mysa."

  "Oh, yes, if it were about history or science; for anything of thatsort of course it would, Ruth, but not about other things. Of course,it is natural that they should be different, because Amuba is the sonof a king."

  "The son of a king?" Ruth repeated in surprise.

  "Yes, I heard it when he first came; only father said it was not to bementioned, because if it were known he would be taken away from us andkept as a royal slave at the palace. But he is really the son of aking, and as his father is dead he will be king himself when he getsback to his own country."

  "And Jethro is one of the same people, is he not?" Ruth asked.

  "Oh, yes! they are both Rebu. I think Jethro was one of the king'swarriors."

  "That accounts," Ruth said, "for what has often puzzled me. Jethro ismuch the oldest of our party, and altogether the leader, and yet Ihave observed that he always speaks to Amuba as if the latter were thechief."

  "I have not noticed that," Mysa said, shaking her head; "but I doknow, now you mention it, that he always asked Amuba's opinion beforegiving his own."

  "I have constantly noticed it, Mysa, and I wondered that since he andAmuba were your father's slaves he should always consult Amuba insteadof your brother; but I understand now. That accounts, too, for Amubagiving his opinion so decidedly. Of course, in his own country, Amubawas accustomed to have his own way. I am glad of that, for I likeAmuba very much, and it vexed me sometimes to see him settling thingswhen Jethro is so much older. And you think if he ever gets back tohis own country he will be king?"

  "I am not sure," Mysa said doubtfully. "Of course, he ought to be. Isuppose there is some other king now, and he might not like to give upto Amuba."

  "I don't suppose we shall ever get there," Ruth said. "Amuba said theother day that this country lay a great distance further than the landmy people came from a long time ago."

  "But that is not so very far, Ruth. You said that the caravans went insix or seven days from that part of Egypt where you dwelt to the eastof the Great Sea where your fathers came from."

  "But we are a long way from there, Mysa."

  "But if it is only six or seven days' journey why did not your peoplego back again, Ruth?"

  "They always hoped to go back some day, Mysa; but I don't think yourpeople would have let them go. You see, they made them useful forbuilding and cutting canals and other work. Besides, other peopledwell now in the land they came from, and these would not turn outunless they were beaten in battle. My people are not accustomed tofight; besides, they have stopped so long that they have become as theEgyptians. For the most part they talk your language, although somehave also preserved the knowledge of their own tongue.
They worshipyour gods, and if they were not forced to labor against their will Ithink now that most of them would prefer to live in ease and plenty inEgypt rather than journey into a strange country, of which they knownothing except that their forefathers hundreds of years ago camethence. But here are the others," she broke off as the boat heeledsuddenly over as some one sprang on board. "Now we shall hear moreabout the fighting."

  The next day the journey was continued, and without further adventurethe flotilla arrived at last at the town where the party would leavethe river and strike for the coast. Having unloaded their goods anddischarged the boat, Jethro hired a small house until arrangementswere made for their journey to the seacoast. El Makrif[D] was a placeof no great importance. A certain amount of trade was carried on withthe coast, but most of the merchants trading with Meroe preferred thelonger but safer route through Axoum. Still parties of travelerspassed up and down and took boat there for Meroe; but there was anabsence of the temples and great buildings which had distinguishedevery town they had passed between Thebes and Semneh.

  [D] Now called Berber.

  Jethro upon inquiry found that there were wells at the camping-placesalong the whole route. The people were wild and savage, the Egyptianpower extending only from the seashore to the foot of the hills, somefifteen miles away. Occasionally expeditions were got up to punish thetribesmen for their raids upon the cultivated land of the coast, butit was seldom that the troops could come upon them, for, knowing everyfoot of the mountains, these eluded all search by their heavy-armedadversaries. Jethro found that the custom was for merchants travelingacross this country to pay a fixed sum in goods for the right ofpassage. There were two chiefs claiming jurisdiction over the road,and a messenger was at once dispatched to the nearest of these withthe offer of the usual payment and a request for an escort.

  A week later four wild-looking figures presented themselves at thehouse and stated that they were ready to conduct the travelers throughtheir chief's territory. Jethro had already made arrangements with thehead man of the place to furnish him with twelve men to carryprovisions necessary for the journey, and upon the following morningthe party started, and Mysa and Ruth assumed the garb of boys, Jethrofinding that although traders might bring up the ladies of theirfamily to Semneh, or even take them higher up the river in boats, theywould never think of exposing them to the fatigue of a journey acrossthe mountains, and that the arrival of two girls at the Egyptian townon the sea would therefore assuredly attract remark, and possiblyinquiry, on the part of the authorities.

  For the first few hours the girls enjoyed the change of travelingafter the long confinement on the boat, but long before nightfall theylonged for the snug cushions and easy life they had left behind. Thebearers, heavy laden as they were, proceeded at a steady pace thattaxed the strength of the girls to keep up with after the first fewmiles were passed. The heat of the sun was intense. The country aftera short distance had been passed became barren and desolate. They didnot suffer from thirst, for an ample supply of fruit was carried byone of the bearers, but their limbs ached, and their feet, unused towalking, became tender and painful.

  "Can we not stop for awhile, Jethro?" Mysa asked beseechingly.

  Jethro shook his head.

  "We must keep on to the wells. They are two hours further yet. Theytold us at starting that the first day's journey was six hours' steadywalking."

  Mysa was about to say that she could walk no further, when Ruthwhispered in her ear:

  "We must not give way, Mysa. You know we promised that if they wouldtake us with them, we would go through all difficulties and dangerswithout complaining."

  The admonition had its effect. Mysa felt ashamed that she had been onthe point of giving way on the very first day of their starting ontheir real journey, and struggled bravely on; but both girls wereutterly exhausted by the time they arrived at the wells. They feltrewarded, however, for their sufferings by the hearty commendationJethro bestowed upon them.

  "You have held on most bravely," he said; "for I could see you wereterribly fatigued. I am afraid you will find it very hard work just atfirst, but after that it will be more easy to you. To-morrow's journeyis a shorter one."

  It was well that it was so, for the girls were limping even at thestart, and needed the assistance of Jethro and the boys to reach thenext halting-place; and as soon as the tent, which was separated intotwo parts by hangings, was erected, they dropped upon their cushions,feeling that they could never get through another day's suffering likethat they had just passed.

  Jethro saw that this was so, and told their escort that he must haltnext day, for that his young sons had been so long in the boat thatthe fatigue had quite overcome them; he accompanied the intimationwith a present to each of the four men.

  They offered no objections, while the porters, who were paid by theday, were well contented with the halt.

  The day's rest greatly benefited the girls, but it was not long enoughto be of any utility to their feet; these, however, they wrapped inbandages, and started in good spirits when the porters took up theloads. They were now following the course of what in wet weather was astream in the mountains. Sometimes the hills on either side receded alittle; at others they rose almost perpendicularly on either side ofthe stream, and they had to pick their way among great bowlders androcks. This sort of walking, however, tired the girls less thanprogressing along a level. Their feet were painful, but the softbandages in which they were enveloped hurt them far less than thesandals in which they had at first walked, and they arrived at thehalting-place in much better condition than on the previous occasions.

  "The worst is over now," Jethro said to them encouragingly. "You willfind each day's work come easier to you. You have stood it far betterthan I expected; and I feel more hopeful now that we shall reach theend of our journey in safety than I have done since the evening when Ifirst agreed to take you with us."

  While passing through some of the ravines the party had been greatlyamused by the antics of troops of apes. Sometimes these sat tranquillyon the hillside, the elder gravely surveying the little caravan, theyounger frisking about perfectly unconcerned. Sometimes they wouldaccompany them for a considerable distance, making their way along therough stones of the hillside at a deliberate pace, but yet keeping upwith the footmen below.

  As the ape was a sacred animal in Egypt, Mysa was gladdened by theirsight, and considered it a good omen for the success of their journey.The men who escorted them told them that if undisturbed the apes neverattack travelers, but if molested they would at once attack in a bodywith such fury that even four or five travelers together would havebut little chance of escape with their lives. During the first week'sjourney they saw no other animals; although at night they heard thecries of hyenas, who often came close up to the encampment, and onceor twice a deep roar which their guide told them was that of a lion.

  On the seventh day, however, soon after they had started upon theirmarch, the sound of breaking branches was heard among some trees ashort distance up the hillside, and immediately afterward the heads offour or five great beasts could be seen above the mimosa bushes whichextended from the wood to the bottom of the hill. The bearers gave acry of terror, and throwing down their loads took to their heels. Thefour men of the escort stood irresolute. Although none of Jethro'sparty had ever before seen an elephant, they knew from pictures andcarvings, and from the great statues in the Island of Elephanta, whatthese great creatures were.

  "Will they attack us?" Jethro asked the men.

  "They do not often do so," one of them replied; "although at timesthey come down and waste the fields round villages, and will sometimesslay any they come across. But it is best to get out of their way."

  Jethro pointed out a few of the more valuable packages, and takingthese up they entered the bushes on the other slope of the hill andmade their way among them as far as they could. This was, however, buta short distance, for they were full of sharp thorns and offeredterrible obstacles to passage. All of the
party received severescratches, and their garments suffered much, in making their way buttwenty yards into the bush.

  "That will do," Jethro said. "We shall be torn to pieces if we gofurther; and we are as much concealed from sight here as we should beanother hundred yards further. I will see what they are doing."

  Standing up and looking cautiously through the screen of featheryleaves, Jethro saw that the elephants were standing immovable. Theirgreat ears were erected and their trunks outstretched as if scentingthe air. After two or three minutes hesitation they continued todescend the hill.

  "Are they afraid of man?" Jethro asked one of the escort.

  "Sometimes they are seized with a panic and fly at the approach of ahuman being; but if attacked they will charge any number withouthesitation."

  "Do you ever hunt them?"

  "Sometimes; but always with a great number of men. It is useless toshoot arrows at them; the only way is to crawl out behind and cut theback sinews of their legs. It needs a strong man and a sharp sword,but it can be done. Then they are helpless, but even then it is a longwork to dispatch them. Generally we drive them from our villages bylighting great fires and making noises. Solitary elephants are moredangerous than a herd. I have known one of them kill a dozen men,seizing some in his trunk and throwing them in the air as high as thetop of a lofty tree, dashing others to the ground and kneeling uponthem until every bone is crushed to pieces."

  The elephants had now reached the bottom of the valley, and the chiefof the escort held up his hand for perfect silence. All were preparedto fight if the elephants pursued them into the bushes, for furtherretreat was impossible. Amuba and Chebron had fitted their arrows intothe bowstrings and loosened their swords in the scabbards. The fournatives had drawn the short heavy swords they carried, while Jethrograsped the ax that was his favorite weapon. "Remember," he hadwhispered to the boys, "the back sinews of the legs are the onlyuseful point to aim at; if they advance, separate, and if they maketoward the girls try to get behind them and hamstring them."

  There was a long pause of expectation. The elephants could be heardmaking a low snorting noise with their trunks; and Jethro at lastraised himself sufficiently to look through the bushes at what wasgoing on. The elephants were examining the bundles that had beenthrown down.

  "I believe that they are eating up our food," he whispered as he satdown again.

  Half an hour elapsed, and then there was a sound of breaking thebushes. Jethro again looked out.

  "Thank the gods!" he exclaimed, "they are going off again."

  Trampling down the mimosa thicket as if it had been grass, theelephants ascended the opposite hill and at last re-entered the woodfrom which they had first emerged. The fugitives waited for a quarterof an hour and then made their way out again from the thicket, Jethrocutting a path with his ax through the thorns. An exclamation ofsurprise broke from them as they gained the open ground. The whole oftheir stores were tossed about in the wildest confusion. Everyone ofthe packages had been opened. Tents, garments, and carpets hung uponthe bushes as if the animals had tossed them contemptuously there asbeing unfit to eat. Everything eatable had disappeared. The fruit,grain, and vegetables had been completely cleared up. The skins ofwine were bursted; but the contents had been apparently appreciated,for none remained in the hollows of the rocks.

  "What greedy creatures!" Mysa exclaimed indignantly; "they have notleft us a single thing."

  "They do not often get a chance of such dainty feeding," Amuba said."I don't think we ought to blame them, especially as they do not seemto have done very much damage to our other goods."

  "Look how they have trampled down the bushes as they went through. Iwish their skins were as thin as mine," Mysa said as she wiped awaythe blood from a deep scratch on her cheek; "they would keep up intheir own woods then and not come down to rob travelers."

  "At any rate, Mysa, we ought to feel indebted to them," Chebron said,"for not having pushed their investigations further. We should havehad no chance either of escape or resistance in these bushes. Jethrotold us to move round and attack them from behind; but moving round inthese thorns is all very well to talk about, but quite impossible todo. Two minutes of active exercise and there would not be a morsel offlesh left on one's bones."

  It was two or three hours before the bearers came back one by one.They were assailed with fierce reproaches by Jethro for the cowardicewhich had been the means of losing all the provisions. Four of theirnumber were at once paid off and sent back, as there was no longeranything for them to carry. The others would have left also had itnot been for the escort, who threatened death if they did not at oncetake up their burdens and proceed. For Jethro had been liberal withhis stores, and they were as indignant as he was himself at the suddenstoppage of their rations.

  Three days later they arrived at a small village, which marked thecommencement of the territory of the second chief through whosecountry the road ran. Here the escort and carriers left them, theirplace being supplied by natives of the village. There was nodifficulty in obtaining a supply of grain and goats'-milk cheese; butthese were a poor substitute for the stores that the elephants haddevoured. They were too glad, however, at having accomplished halfthe toilsome journey to murmur at trifles, and after a day's haltproceeded on their way. Another fortnight's travel and they stood onthe lower slopes of the hills, and saw across a wide belt of flatcountry the expanse of the sea glistening in the sun.

  Two more days' journey and they reached the Egyptian trading station.This was situated on a little peninsula connected with the mainland bya narrow neck of land, across which a massive wall had been built torepulse the attacks of the wild tribesmen, who frequently swept downand devastated the cultivated fields up to the very wall. As soon asthey entered the town Jethro was ordered by an official to accompanyhim to the house of the governor. Taking Chebron with him, he left itto Amuba to arrange for the use of a small house during their stay.

  The governor's inquiries were limited to the state of the country, thebehavior of the tribesmen along the road, the state of the wells, andthe amount of provisions obtainable along the line of route.

  "There are a party of Arab traders from the other side who wish topass up to carry their goods either to Semneh or Meroe, but I havedetained them until news should reach me from above, for if any wrongshould happen to them their countrymen might probably enough hold usresponsible for their deaths, and this might lead to quarrels and lossof trade; but since you have passed through with so small a partythere can be no fear, and they can arrange with the people who broughtyou down as to the amount to be paid to the chiefs for free passage."

  He inquired Jethro's reason for making the journey over the mountainsinstead of proceeding by the Nile. He replied that he had received anadvantageous offer for all his merchandise and had disposed of it to atrader going up to Meroe, and that as the Nile had now fallen and thedanger in passing down the cataracts was considerable, he thought itbetter to make the short land journey and to travel by sea to LowerEgypt; especially as he was told that the natives were now friendly,and that no difficulty would be met with on the way. Another reasonfor his choosing that route was that he might determine whether on hisnext venture it would not be more advantageous to bring down hismerchandise by ship and start from the seashore for Meroe.

  "Undoubtedly it would be better," the governor said; "but it werewiser to sail another two days' journey down the coast and then tojourney by way of Axoum."

  A week's rest completely recruited the strength of the girls, andJethro then engaged a passage in a trading ship which was going totouch at various small ports on its way north.


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