Won By the Sword : a tale of the Thirty Years' War Read online

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  During the three days that were spent in reconnoitering the countryHector Campbell learnt more than he would have done in as many yearsunder ordinary circumstances. Turenne took the greatest pains to pointout to him how the nature of the ground could be taken advantage of, howflanks could be protected against attack by comparatively small bodies,occupying positions from which they could be with difficulty expelled;how important was the action of guns, especially when so placed as tobe able to sweep the ground across which an enemy must advance in anyendeavour to turn the position of an army. Turenne, on his part, tookpleasure in instructing a pupil who was at once so eager to learn, andwho showed himself so apt in profiting by his teaching.

  "You see," he said, "I am concerned rather in defensive positions atpresent than in seeing how we could best turn an enemy barring ouradvance. Although the greater portion of the dominions of the duchesshas fallen into the hands of the enemy, she is fortunate in that the fewplaces that remain are those that at once enable her to make a defencewith comparatively small forces; and at the same time, it is possiblefor her to receive aid from France, or, if absolutely necessary, for herto fall back across the Alps. Susa, her headquarters, lying at the mouthof the valley up which the road over Mount Cenis finds its way, at onceguards the pass and keeps open communication with France.

  "It is, as it were, the handle of a fan, and can be approached by threemain roads only,--those to Turin, Carignano, and Chivasso. UnfortunatelyTurin is in the enemy's hands, but as the duchess's troops still holdthe citadel, an advance could not very well be made until that hasfallen. Chivasso and Carignano are safe from any sudden attack. Thereare other minor roads, but so long as these towns are in our handsand held by strong garrisons, an enemy advancing by any of these roadstowards Susa would be liable to have their communications cut, and theirconvoys captured by parties from these fortresses. It has long been afixed idea in military operations that an army cannot advance as longas a town near the line of route is held by the enemy. That idea is anerroneous one, and several times upon the Rhine we have gained successesby neglecting this rule and disregarding the towns, contenting ourselveswith leaving a force sufficient to keep the garrison in check.

  "The Spaniards, however, are slow to change their tactics, good soldiersas they are. The consequence is that, although greatly superior inforce, last year they made no offensive movement against us. We have hadseveral regiments join us since we arrived here, and although I believethe enemy's force to be twice as strong as our own, I have no doubt thatthe Count d'Harcourt will as soon as he arrives decide upon taking theoffensive. You see our position here, guarded as it is on both flanks bythe line of mountains, is as favourable for offence as defence, for wecan advance either through Carignano on our right or Chivasso on ourleft; and however the enemy may dispose themselves they are vulnerableon one side or the other."

  This anticipation was justified. D'Harcourt arrived three days later.A council of war was held, and it was decided that an advance should atonce be made against the enemy. The main body of the Spanish troops wereposted in a fortified camp at Villanova, halfway between Asti and Turin.Leaving only a small body of troops to guard the lower valley ofSusa from an attack by the Spaniards at Turin, the army advancedto Carignano, and thence towards Villanova. The Spaniards, however,although nearly twice as strong as the French, were so much surprisedat the boldness of this proceeding that instead of marching out to givebattle they contented themselves with strengthening still furtherthe defences of their camp, and in order to force them to come outd'Harcourt advanced to Chieri--called by the French Quiers--a townsituated between Villanova and Turin, and about two leagues distant fromeach.

  Turenne was in command of the cavalry, and took post between Chieri andVillanova. The Spaniards, however, made no effort to relieve the town,which capitulated after a resistance of only two or three days. Whilethe siege was proceeding, a large convoy of provisions succeeded,unmolested, in making its way to Casale, and thus placed the garrisonthere in a position to hold out for several weeks to come. But a verysmall store of provisions was found in Chieri, and the army was forcedto fall back towards Carignano to obtain food from the stores collectedthere. The Marquis of Leganez, whose headquarters were at Asti, knowingthat the French had sent all the stores they had brought with them toCasale, had foreseen that this would be the case, and advancing rapidlywith the troops from Villanova seized Poirino, on the line by which theFrench would retire, while at the same time Prince Thomas, who commandedat Turin, advanced with the greater portion of his troops, and marchedtowards the little river Santina, intending to cross there. Thus theFrench army could not retire on Carignano without exposing both flanksto the attack of the enemy.

  During the short campaign Hector had ridden behind Turenne, and sharedin the general disappointment of the army when the enemy refused toaccept their offer of battle, and still more so when after the captureof Chieri it became necessary to retreat. His two fellow aides-de-camploudly bewailed the bad fortune that thus obliged them to retire withouthaving effected anything beyond the capture of an insignificant town,which, however, had the advantage of opening a way for them into theheart of the country then held by the enemy.

  "You seem to take it rather philosophically, Campbell," de Lisle said toHector, as he remained silent while they were bemoaning their fate.

  "I do not see that it is of any use taking it otherwise. At least wehave had the satisfaction of bearding the Spaniards, who indeed seemto me to behave wisely in remaining in their intrenchments and waitinguntil they can unite all their forces against us. However, we have shownthem that we are not afraid of them, and that even in the middle ofNovember we are so eager to meet them that we have hastened to take thefield and to strike a blow before winter sets in in earnest; but I thinkit possible that we may have a fight yet before we get back. Leganezhas the reputation of being a good general, and he may yet combine histroops at Asti with those of Villanova and Turin and try to cut us offfrom Carignano." At this moment Turenne suddenly entered the room.

  "To horse, gentlemen! News has come that Prince Thomas is marching atthe head of three thousand foot and fifteen hundred horse to cut us off,and that Leganez is moving with all speed towards Poirino with the sameobject. Carry my orders for a thousand cavalry and as many infantry tobe ready to march at once. We must be beforehand with Prince Thomas."

  In ten minutes the cavalry and infantry selected were in movement, andTurenne, placing himself at the head of the former, rode on at a gallop,and keeping on at full speed with his cavalry, occupied the bridgebefore Prince Thomas came up. On his arrival, the latter, having withhim three thousand foot and fifteen hundred horse, prepared to attack,but before he did so Turenne's infantry arrived. The Spaniards attackedwith fury, but Turenne's troops stood firm and repulsed them, and assoon as they fell back charged in turn, broke the enemy, and drove themin headlong rout towards Turin. Prince Thomas himself was twice unhorsedand thrown into a ditch, but it was now almost dark, his rank wasunrecognized, and he succeeded in making his escape and rejoining hisscattered troops.

  While this fight was going on, d'Harcourt had attacked the Marquis ofLeganez and gained a considerable advantage, but not knowing how thefight was going on at Santina did not venture to advance towards thePo. As soon, however, as a messenger from Turenne brought him newsthat Prince Thomas had been defeated he continued his march towardsCarignano. He was speedily joined by Turenne's horse, which took up theduty of rear guard and checked the Spaniards, who were pressing on inhopes of attacking the French as they crossed the river. He held them atbay until d'Harcourt had got all his guns and baggage wagons across theriver, and then, following him, broke down the bridge and joined him atCarignano. Here the army went into winter quarters.

  D'Harcourt, whose health was bad, retired to pass the winter atPinerolo, leaving the command in the hands of Turenne, who againestablished himself at Susa, and began to make preparations for throwinga convoy of provi
sions into the citadel of Turin.

  During the fight at Santina Hector remained behind Turenne, while thetwo young Frenchmen, carried away by their ardour, joined in the hotpursuit of the enemy. The prince, who had led the charge, had halted.

  "Are you alone here, Monsieur Campbell?"

  "Yes, sir."

  "Where are de Lisle and Chavigny?"

  "They rode on with the cavalry, sir."

  Turenne frowned.

  "You have done well to remain. An aide-de-camp's place is to carryorders, not to fight. Now, sir, ride at once to the count. I hear hisbattle is still going on. Tell him that I have defeated and scatteredthe troops of the prince, and that as soon as I can gather my men Ishall march to join him."

  Hector bowed, turned his horse and galloped off, while the general rodeon, sending every officer he overtook in search of the cavalry withorders that they were to abandon the pursuit and return instantly. Thatevening after they had entered Carignano he called de Lisle and Chavignyinto his room.

  "Gentlemen," he said, "you will have to choose whether you remain withme or join one of the cavalry regiments. If you remain with me, you mustbear in mind in future that you are my aides-de-camp, and that your soleduty here is to carry my orders, and not to fight like troopers in abattle. It is through hotheadedness of this sort that battles are lost.A general, without officers to carry his orders, can do nothing towardscontrolling the movements of his troops in battle, of following up avictory or covering a defeat."

  The two young officers hung their heads and murmured their excuses.

  "Enough, gentlemen," Turenne said. "I am perfectly aware that it wasyour ardour that carried you away, but ardour is a bad leader. Over andover again the ardour of cavalry to pursue the troops they have defeatedhas brought about the loss of a battle. Courage is a virtue, and mostsoldiers possess it, but steadiness and coolness are rarer and moreuseful, and on the part of officers on a general's staff are absolutelyindispensable. I doubt not that you will remember this in future, andthat I shall not have reason to complain of you again."

  The next morning it was Hector's turn to be in attendance on thegeneral.

  "You behaved as I expected you would do," Turenne said, when he enteredhis room on hearing the bell sound. "You fought close to me as long asthere was fighting to be done, and I observed that you used your swordwell. The moment I drew rein you did the same, and took up your postbehind me, showing that although this was your first battle you retainedyour coolness. I will therefore tell you in confidence that Countd'Harcourt has enjoined me to throw provisions, if possible, into thecitadel at Turin. It will take me some time to make arrangements, and myonly fear is that the garrison, on hearing that we have retired acrossthe Po--of which you may be sure the Spaniards will take care to informthem--may believe that we shall do no more this winter; and as we knowthat their provisions must be well nigh exhausted, they will abandon thecitadel and march thither.

  "It is now well nigh eighteen months since they were first cut off. Itis certain that their investment is a very close one, and that the mostvigilant watch is used to prevent news of any kind from reaching themfrom the outside. We have made several efforts to communicate with them,but without success. Some of the messengers we sent never returned,and were, doubtless, detected and killed. Others came back and reportedtheir failure, saying that every avenue to the citadel was so closelywatched that it was impossible to get through."

  "Have you any objection, general, to my mentioning this matter tomy boy? I am absolutely convinced that he is thoroughly faithful andtrustworthy."

  "You may do so if you like, Campbell, though it is hardly likely thathe will be able to suggest any method of communication with the garrisonthat has not already been tried."

  "Thank you, sir."

  The general shortly afterwards went out to wait upon the duchess; in twohours he returned, and as soon as he did so Hector entered his room.

  "What is it?" Turenne asked.

  "I have been thinking about what you said about the garrison of Turin.I have been talking it over with Paolo, and have come to offer to do mybest to deliver a letter from you to the garrison if you will do me thegreat honour to entrust the mission to me. We both think that two boyswould be much more likely to succeed than men. No one would regard themwith suspicion; and they could creep and crawl more easily. I do not saythat we should succeed, but I think that we should have some chance ofdoing so. At any rate I am willing to try."

  "It would be a very dangerous expedition," Turenne said gravely.

  "Not more dangerous than going into a battle, viscount. Not a quarter asdangerous as storming a breach."

  Turenne smiled. "The idea has passed through my mind," he said, "but Ishould not have proposed it had you not first spoken. It is the sort ofmission in which I thought you could be made useful, but it is a roughadventure to begin with, and you must not minimize the danger. It is theduty of a soldier to run the risk of being killed in battle, but itlies beyond his duty to go into the enemy's camp to obtain news. Hemay volunteer for it, but with a knowledge that if detected he wouldassuredly be hanged."

  "I do not think, general, that the risk of detection would be great,but the risk of failure would be so. If when we get there we can see nopossible means of passing through the line of sentries, there would benothing to do but to come back, and I own that in talking it over thethought that I might be obliged to return and to tell you that I hadfailed occupied a much larger portion of my thoughts than the risk ofbeing detected."

  "But I shall not expect you to succeed, Campbell; the chances area hundred to one against it. I should be glad, however, to have theexperiment tried once again, so that if the garrison capitulates beforewe arrive to its succour, I shall not be able to blame myself for nothaving made one more effort to induce them to hold out for another fewweeks. Have you thought of your plans?"

  "Only so far, sir, that we shall dress up as two country boys, cross thePo, and enter the city from the other side. After that we must be guidedby circumstances and trust to good luck. May I ask, general, if you havea plan of the city and fortress?"

  "Yes; at least the duchess has one, which she has placed at my disposal.I can send an officer to the palace to request her to let me have it.No doubt it would be a great advantage to you to study the positionbeforehand."

  "Well, sir, we will see about getting our disguises at once."

  "I will give you an order on the paymaster for a hundred crowns forspecial service," Turenne said. "It is as well to be amply provided withmoney, as it may be necessary to buy fresh disguises or to bribe someoneto conceal you;" and he drew an order on the treasury and handed it toHector.

  "You will find the plan of the town in your room when you return."

  Paolo was waiting for him.

  "It is settled, Paolo; we are to go."

  "This is an adventure after my own heart," the boy said with delight."It will be great fun to outwit the Spaniards."

  "Yes, but we must mind that they don't outwit us, Paolo, which is quiteas likely. Now let us talk of our disguises again. I think you hadbetter go and buy them. I would rather get old ones than new. I don'tsuppose that anyone is likely to take notice of me in the streets, butit would be well at any rate that we should not both have new clothes,and better that neither of us did so."

  "I can manage that, sir. There are shops here where one can buy oldclothes as well as new ones. I noticed one the other day in a narrowstreet by the wall. I wondered then who would buy some of the garmentshung up. They were so old and so often mended that it was difficult tosay what was the original colour. The people are very poor up in themountains; since the war began, doubtless they have grown poorer, andare glad to buy anything that will cover them."

  "Well, here are ten crowns."

  "They won't cost half that, master, but I will take them."

  "Mind and get something warm, Paolo; it is like enough that we shallhave to sleep more than once in the open air, and the winds are bitterlycold." br />
  In half an hour the officer came with the plan, which Hector at once setto to study. The citadel stood on ground but little, if at all, higherthan that upon which the town was situated. It was pentagonal in form,and was built in 1565, and was the earliest fortification in Europe inthis style, and was considered a masterpiece. It was separated from thetown by its glacis. A deep fosse ran along the foot of the wall. Thetown itself was walled, and extended to the foot of the citadel, andwas capable of offering a sturdy resistance even after the citadel hadfallen, just as the citadel could protect itself after the capture ofthe town by an enemy. Hector examined carefully that portion of the townfacing the citadel, and took notes of the streets that ran through tothe walls, specially noting those which extended farthest from the wallbefore being broken by cross lanes.

  It was evident from the width of the streets that this was the poorestquarter of the town, for the wealthy would not care to build theirhouses in a position where, if the town and citadel were hostile to eachother, they would be exposed to the fire of the latter's guns.

  In another half hour Paolo returned with a large bundle. It containedtwo coarse cotton shirts, two warm garments resembling waistcoats, andfastened by strings closing up to the neck, two red sashes of coarseflannel, and two loose doublets reaching down to the hips. These wereworn and patched, but had been newly lined with sheepskin. The breeches,which reached down to the knee, were of coarse brown cloth; to cover theleg below the knee were bands of gray flannel which were wrapped roundand round the leg and foot, while over these were worn wooden shoes. Thehats were of conical shape with wide brims, and both, like the clothes,bore signs of long wear.

  "It could not have been better, Paolo," Hector said as he examined them."I have seen scores of boys so dressed, and we shall certainly attractno attention by our garb. They are warm, too, and we sha'n't come to anyharm from sleeping out in them."

  "They cost more than I expected, master, owing to the doublets beingfreshly lined, but I thought it would be worth it."

  "Quite right! those sheepskins will be most useful. There is one thingmore we shall want, a thin rope, that will bear our weight well, sometwenty yards long. You had better go to a smith's and get him to make astrong iron hook, by which we can fix the rope on to the edge of a wallshould it be needed. You had better have it made a good nine inchesacross the hook, and the shank fifteen inches long."

  After again studying the map he took it to the general.

  "We have our disguises, sir, and shall be ready to start tomorrowmorning."

  "You have lost no time," the general said approvingly. "You will, ofcourse, ride to Chivasso. I will give you an order to the governorthere, to take charge of your horses and clothes, telling him that youare about to proceed on a mission in disguise, and requesting him tosend an officer to pass you through the outposts beyond the bridgeacross the Po, that is if the other side is not guarded by the Spanishtroops. I should advise you to make straight south so as to strike theroad from Casale two miles west of Turin. I do not like letting you go,lad, and yet I feel it is of such importance that the garrison shouldknow that aid will be at hand before long, that I feel I ought not toprevent you from carrying out your enterprise. When do you think ofstarting?"

  "At eight in the morning, sir. If we do so we shall easily reachChivasso before dark, and may be near Turin by morning."

  "I will have my note for the commandant ready by the time your horsesare at the door. I will make it as small as possible, and you had betterbefore you start sew it up in the lining of your coat, so that if youare searched--which I own I do not think to be likely, unless in someother way you excite the suspicions of the Spaniards--it may not befound upon you."

  "I think, sir, that I would rather make it into a little pellet whichI can swallow. I fancy that if they were suspicious enough to search methey would rip all the linings open."

  "That would be a better way certainly, Campbell; I see that you havethought the matter over thoroughly. Of course, you will take no armswith you."

  "Nothing but a long knife each. Every peasant carries one, and it may bepossible that we shall be compelled to silence a sentinel. If you wouldnot mind, sir, I should like to have six copies of your letter to thecommandant. I could manage to swallow six as well as one, and as it isnot likely that I shall be able to enter the citadel it would be as wellto give them a better chance of finding the letter if I have to try toshoot or throw it in."

  "That shall be done; we will use the thinnest paper, so that if you haveto swallow them you can do so without difficulty."

  "If I find that I cannot by any possibility get my message in throughthe town, sir, I shall try to cross the river and so make my way in onthat side."

  "That would be even more dangerous than the other," Turenne said. "Onthat side an even stricter watch is likely to be kept than on thatfacing the town, for the Spaniards know that the garrison is not strongenough to attempt any enterprise against the city, while it might at anymoment attempt to break out and march away on the other side.

  "I own that I do not see myself how you can possibly succeed in eithercase, but assuredly there must be more chance on the side of the town.I have been thinking it over, and will order a troop of cavalry toride with you to Chivasso, for the Spanish horse from time to time makeforays from Turin, carry off prisoners, and burn villages. Until we arein a position to make a general advance it is impossible to check theseattacks without keeping the whole of our cavalry massed near Turin, andwearing out horses and men by the necessity for perpetual vigilance. Andnow, goodbye; may fortune attend you! Do not be too rash. The lettersshall be sent you in an hour's time."

  As they issued out from Susa they found the troop of cavalry awaitingthem. The officer in command was well known to Hector, and said:

  "So it is you that I am to escort to Chivasso, Monsieur Campbell?"

  "Yes; I am sorry to give you occasion for so much trouble."

  "No trouble at all; we have not been in the saddle for the past week,and a ride to Chivasso will make a pleasant change. Besides, I havea brother in the garrison there, so that altogether I shall be yourdebtor. You see, we are not allowed to ride beyond St. Ambrogio, orRivoli at farthest, for once beyond that, we should be liable to becaught by the enemy's scouting parties. Of course we have a strong forceat Rivoli, but except to drive off small parties of the enemy whomay venture to come up too close, they are forbidden to engage in anyaffairs. It is annoying, but one can understand that the general isanxious to avoid encounters in which the enemy is sure to be superiorin force, until his reinforcements come up and we are able to take thefield in earnest."

  "I do not think we shall be otherwise than inferior in force even whenour last regiment comes up," Hector said. "What with Holland and theRhine and the frontier of Spain, it is clear that the cardinal must haveas much as he can do to enable all our commanders to make head againstthe enemy, and it is no secret that beyond one more regiment of cavalrythat will arrive with Count d'Harcourt, no other reinforcements arelikely to reach us for some time to come. But then, you see, we haveTurenne as well as d'Harcourt, and each of them ought to count for twoor three thousand men."

  "Well, I would rather fight against long odds," the officer said, "thanbe kept here month after month doing nothing. Here is winter coming on,and I suppose that will put a stop to everything."

  "I should hardly think so," Hector replied. "I am sure that the viscountis as eager for action as we are, and winter here is not the same thingas in Holland or on the Rhine. From what I hear there is very littlesnow in the plains; and as the country is generally flat, an army couldmarch almost as easily as in summer, and in some respects they would bebetter off."

  "How do you mean?"

  "I mean that in summer the barns would be all empty of food until filledagain by the harvest, whereas in winter they would be all well stockedwith forage for the cattle and horses."

  "You are right, Monsieur Campbell. Certainly there should be nothing toprevent our operatin
g through the winter, and I shall look forward evenmore eagerly than I did before for d'Harcourt's return. Will you comeback with us tomorrow from Chivasso?"

  "That will depend upon circumstances. I think it is more probable that Ishall not return to Susa for a few days; my orders are to report myselfto the governor."

  No bodies of the enemy's cavalry were met with on the way, and at fouro'clock in the afternoon they rode into Chivasso. They alighted at thecommandant's, and on stating that he was the bearer of a despatch fromthe general Hector was at once shown in. As he had more than once riddenthere with despatches from Turenne, he was known to the officer.

  "We heard of the victory three days since," the latter said, as Hectorhanded him the despatch, "and fired a salvo of guns in honour of it. AnItalian deserter from the other side brought the news. The two generalswere unwounded, I hope?"

  "Yes, colonel, and our losses were altogether slight."

  The commandant opened the despatch. He looked a little surprised atits contents. "So you are going to endeavour to pass a message intothe citadel. It is a difficult undertaking. The enemy's watch is avery vigilant one. Once or twice during the siege men have succeeded inswimming the Po and evading the enemy's guards, but of late these havebeen doubled, for it is thought that the garrison may attempt to breakout. On the town side the firing has all but ceased; they know that thestore of provisions is almost exhausted, and regard it as a waste ofpowder and shot to continue their cannonade, which only results inthe citadel answering it, and that with very much more effect than theSpanish guns produce. May I ask if you have any plan of getting in?"

  "No, sir, we must decide upon that when we see how matters stand."

  "Who is the we?" the colonel asked.

  "Myself and my servant, who is a very sharp and intelligent lad whom Ican thoroughly trust. Alone I could do nothing, for I have only pickedup a few phrases in Italian yet, and should be detected at once; soanything that has to be said must be said by him. May I ask, sir, if theenemy are in force on the other side of the bridge? if so, we must crossby swimming, either above or below it."

  "No; there was a regiment there until three days ago, but they marchedaway, and no doubt formed a portion of Prince Thomas's force. They knowwell enough that although our garrison can hold the walls, we are notstrong enough to undertake any enterprise."

  "Then, sir, we have only to ask for an escort for a mile or so beyondthe other side of the bridge, in case a company should have been leftto watch the road. Beyond that we will dismount and proceed on foot. Wewill, if you please, put on our disguises here, with the exception ofour hats, and perhaps you will lend us a couple of long cloaks, so thatour appearance may not be noticed. Although we shall not start untilafter dark, it is as well to be upon the safe side. Maybe the enemy havespies in the town, and were it noticed that two young peasants rode outunder the escort of a troop of cavalry news might be sent to Turin. Inthat case we might be arrested as soon as we entered the city. I shouldbe obliged if you would give orders to the officer in command that oneof the troopers should bring the horses, cloaks, and hats back here withhim."

  The governor rang a bell, and on an orderly entering said: "Tell CaptainSion to have his troop in readiness to start in an hour's time, in orderto form an escort for one of Viscount Turenne's officers, and tellhim that when he has the troop ready to start he is to come to me fordetailed orders. I have said an hour, Monsieur Campbell," he went on,after the orderly had left the room, "because, in the first place, itis not yet dark, and in the second, it will take some twenty minutes toprepare a meal. You will have a long night's work before you, and I daresay you have had nothing since you halted for breakfast."

  "Thank you, colonel, I had not thought of it; but I should certainlyhave remembered it before tomorrow morning. We halted for breakfast ateleven, and if it had not been for your kind offer we should have hadno chance of getting anything till we entered Turin, and even there theless we go into any cabarets the better."

  "That is true. I have sent a message to the cook that twenty minutes isthe utmost we can give for the preparation of a meal."

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